Buying a Virtual Land in BSC

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Avatar for littlenewthings
2 years ago

I did it! I missed Decentraland, I missed Splinterlands land sale... and much much more...

But for the first time, I actually own a virtual land.... ahem... I mean a land under the sea; and apparently this virtual land is supposed to be for a future gaming purpose.

Welcome to Eartha!

One of the futuristic Metaverse NFT gaming, which allows you to play to Earn and Play to Learn at the same time.

I have seen the trailer which is actually quite interesting. Being a WWF supporter for 2 decades since I knew about it, hopefully WWF one day will work alongside with this game and maybe, have better influence in it. But who knows what the future is like?

I may have a good piece of income, or I might loose it all...

Setting the doubts aside, how do land acquiring on Binance Smart Chain work?

There are a few things you might need to acquire first:

  1. A Metamask Wallet that links to Binance Smart Chain (which I think a lot of people already have it by now, besides newbies)

  2. Enough $BNB to swap for $EARTHA token at a 5% discount at (because it is not listed in any exchanges yet)

  3. A heart of stone to know that the amount invested can amount to ZERO in the future.

That's about it!

I actually had to use the HIVE tokens that I had been sitting in and gather other smaller not promising coins together to have enough for this purchase

Heading over , there a replica look of the earth is seen, and it is populated with hexa points where some are actually available, and some are not for sale.

Maybe those that are not for sale might be opened for other things later....

I wished I could have picked one of those rain forests, but they were over my budget; so the next best thing I can get on is, to choose a plot that actually has something in it. And it does take me a while to see which is the best price available.

Once I am satisfied with the hexa pixel that I have chosen, I placed it in "Add to Cart", just like any other shopping site for the item I wanted.

Once it is in the Shopping cart, just click "Place Order" it also tells you approximately how much it you will need

There's also another option where 3 different tokens / coins are accepted; but they are currently offering a 5% discount for anyone using their own token for purchase.

This is a little tricky for those who are not used to Decentralised Exchange.

  1. You will need the $ERTHA token smart contract address:

  2. Then at (in a new browser tab), make sure the ERTHA token is chosen by clicking at the receiving token area and paste the contract address.

  3. Proceed with the swap with some BNB fee. Once that is done, head back to the checkout page, and choose ERTHA as purchase.

  4. A smart contract is issued for signing and the process will take another 1 minute or so.


The NFT land is now tied with the wallet that you purchased; however I am not 100% how I can transfer it to another person at the moment. So if you fancy of making this as a gift for someone, make sure you create a brand new wallet address just for this purpose.

What do you think?

Between NFTs, would you prefer to have a JPG NFT where you can maybe buy and sell in opensea; or would you invest into GameFi like plots or NFT characters for maybe, only a few years later would it be useful ?

$ 5.38
$ 5.35 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.02 from @ARTicLEE
$ 0.01 from @AnonSunamun
Sponsors of littlenewthings
Avatar for littlenewthings
2 years ago


I have both; GameFi and JPG NFT 🎉. And if I will choose between the two, I will choose GameFi since it can generate profit, unlike the other one hehe

$ 0.00
2 years ago

If I had some spare, I'll let you know what I have decided whether JPG NFT or GameFi :D

$ 0.01
2 years ago

haha. May you be blessed with overflow resources!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I would like to get in on the bottom floor on a earn to play game but I seem to be otherwise engaged everytime one goes live. And when you're too late you're paying like 140+ dollars to get in. Which is waaaaaay over my budget... So I have a cat and a... well.... another nft, and looking into releasing my own collection soon.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

True. But there are some games like Splinterlands that has been on $10 USD start up for 4 years now. they never change their starterpack and their additional pack they maintained at $3 - $4 per pack throughout the years; just that their land sale was pretty much grabbed up like crazy by the whales. Everything has a risk. When pre-launch, it is dirt cheap but there is a high risk the project doesn't take off. After launch when people are getting in, it becomes super expensive.

It also depends on how people abuse the game. I hope this won't be the case for this game in the future.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

First of all i wish you the best of luck because sometimes something essentially missed but everything hope for good thing and having some great one , I prefer to NFT because mostly people knowing and more have other like gameFi

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yes, I can understand but if the NFT bares no value and just JPG it might just be a hype. I do hope that this game will take off well as 1 $EARTHA is less than 25 cents at the moment.

$ 0.00
2 years ago