How to be successful

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The definition of “success” varies from person to person. Whether you have an ambition, a dream or a goal in mind, you just need to set specific goals to get the ball rolling. Stay focused, stay motivated throughout the process and don’t give up when something goes wrong. With a little dedication, you will soon achieve what you want.


Method 1 of 4: Thinking of Goals

  1. Define “success”. You can’t be successful if you don’t know what that means. Everyone has a different perspective, and many think of goals that bring happiness. Only then is it time to set goals that are important in your path.

    • Write your definition of success on a sheet of paper. Do you want to receive an "x" salary? Living in a specific city? The ability to support your family? Then think: with this success, is it possible to travel? Save enough for retirement? Have a healthy social life?

    • If you don’t fully think, think about what else brings happiness into your life: staying with your family? Travel? Have fun? What do you do if you don’t have to work? Then, find out what needs to happen to fulfill your desires.

  2. Identify your main goal. Think about what you want to do and what gives you pleasure. Then use that information to think about your purpose in life.

    • You will be more motivated if you know what you want to do. A goal is much easier to achieve when it has to do with personal preferences.

    • Think about where you want to be in five, ten and 20 years. What can you do to get there?

    • If you have doubts about your goal or purpose, consult a professional counselor or quality psychologist.

    • Think of goals that count. For example: don’t try to “be a better professional”, but “increase productivity by 30% and be late for work five times a year at most”.

  3. Separate your goal into smaller steps. Define your idea and find out what you need to achieve the goal. The process is easier when it is split into simpler parts.

    • For example: your goal in creating a technology company seems impossible to achieve? Break it down into smaller parts, such as drawing up a business plan, finding investors, getting a loan, or thinking about product ideas.

    • Follow the SMART methodology - that is, think of specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and timely goals.

  4. Set a deadline to meet your goal. Think of a period that is relatively short, but doable. Then, find out if you have enough time for the smaller part of the process. For example: “appearing in a comedy television show” may be impossible in a year, but “doing a stand-up comedy show for an audience of 20 people” is not.

    • Think of specific steps for smaller goals. For example: “participate in an improv group” in one month or “participate in an improv contest” in three months.

  5. Identify the resources needed to achieve your goal. You may need tools, knowledge, financial resources, skills (such as public speaking) or people (such as employees or advisors).

    • For example, you may need a loan to start a business. For this, in turn, you will need a bank credit.

    • If you want to work in music, you may need to invest in your instruments, a website, etc.

Method 2 of 4: Time Management and Productivity

  1. Set up a personal schedule. Create task lists with goals for each day of the week. Stratify what you do to stay motivated and have a clear structure even on the toughest days.

    • Use a mobile calendar application or a physical calendar. Write each date in a specific way.

    • If you have a low memory, activate cell phone alarms.

    • Be realistic about the duration of each task and set aside more time than you think is necessary.

  2. Minimize distractions to the maximum. It’s almost impossible to stay fully focused on the same task all the time, but interruptions affect efficiency. You can also take some breaks, but return to your goal when it's time.

    • If possible, work in a quiet place. If not, put on headphones or ear protectors.

    • Don’t ask anyone you’re busy at work. Say this time is very important and, if necessary, turn off your cell phone or keep it in a drawer.

    • Take a five minute break each time to focus again. Take a short walk, have a snack, stretch your body, etc.

    • Don't do more than one thing at once. This can reduce your productivity. Focus on one task at a time.

  3. Record tasks with others whenever possible. Outsourcing the process saves a lot of time. Do not try to play the role of superman: give people less important roles so you can focus on the main part of the goal.

    • For example: if you are writing a book, ask a friend or an editor to read the text. Don’t try to edit it yourself; contact third parties and ask for suggestions for changes.

    • If your business needs a website, hire a web designer who doesn't have to do everything yourself and still get a professional result.

  4. Trust people’s skills. Just success is hard. Part of the process involves assembling a capable team. If you don’t trust others, you probably won’t get the results you expect.

    • Consider many factors when deciding who is reliable and competent for your team. Study the qualifications, experience, references and the like of each candidate.

    • Confidence is a very exciting factor for people. If you trust someone, he will want to do everything right so as not to fail.

    • You trust people because you need to . Don’t try to do everything yourself; pass tasks on to others.

    • Don't forget to trust yourself!

  5. Find an educator to guide your progress. That educator should be someone who has more experience than you and understands the subject: a teacher, a boss, an older relative or even a family friend. He will also enjoy knowing that his students have achieved success. To do this, there are many ways to help:

    • Networking : it's about creating a network of contacts with other people seeking mutual benefits. You can exchange experiences, opinions or opportunities with them.

    • Solve problems : The educator will help you develop ideas that work in difficult situations, as well as explore what needs to be changed to make the process better.

    • Create strategies : because you are more experienced (both in terms of successes and failures), perhaps your mentor may have a more strategic view than you do. Take advantage of this experience to think about the future.

  6. Keep learning as much as possible. Don’t leave your student side - you never know when you’ll come up with a brilliant idea! Always listen to people, study and gain new skills. All the new information can help you connect ideas and use them to improve your life.

    • Read books, watch documentaries or take online courses to learn more. Find topics that interest you or that have helped in acquiring a certain skill.

    • Find out all you can about the industry, your company, one of your interests or your goals. What do successful people in this area do to succeed?

  7. Take calculated risks . Successful people always think and act more broadly. Don’t wait for opportunities to fall into your lap. Get out of your comfort zone and pursue your goals. Analyze the risks, find out if your chances of success are high and move on.

    • Regardless of the situation - whether you are a marathon runner or looking for solutions for large technology companies, for example - partnering with the competition will help to raise funds, spur your progress and even generate of new professional relationships.

    • You go first; do not follow people. Develop the courage to do something different.

    • Not all of your ideas will work, but you can still be successful with some projects. Develop these options, even if you are not famous or wealthy.

  8. Think of a problem to solve. Look around and think of ways to contribute. Are people having difficulty or complaining about something? How can you make their lives easier? Can you make a product or service that meets this requirement? Some examples of common problems:

    • Social problems : can you imagine a social problem that needs a re-invention or reform? For example: the way social media changes the way people interact.

    • Technological problems : Can you help people make better use of technologies? For example, large technology companies are creating more powerful computer processors to improve the user experience.

    • Strategic problems : can you help someone solve a strategic problem? For example, consultants help other companies and people to increase productivity, profits, etc.

    • Interpersonal problems : Can you help people get along with each other? For example, psychologists and marriage counselors help patients deal with the complexities of interactive and day-to-day relationships.

  9. Use technologies as tools, not chaos. Technologies can be great allies, but they can also generate a huge waste of energy and productivity. Use these resources to your advantage, but don’t lose.

    • Use a calendar or an application to mark your goals, meetings and tasks. Cross out the items you have completed to stay motivated.

    • Listening to music confuses people at work. If you need this feature, listen to jazz or classical music so you don’t get lost.

    • Talk to your colleagues and bosses in person to avoid falling down on emails. Organize your inbox to separate what is useless from what is important.

Method 3 of 4: Adopting the Right Attitude

  1. Think of your success. The clearer the image of your success is in your head, the easier it will be to make it a reality. Remember that you can still fulfill your dreams, even if you stumble a few times.

    • Take a few minutes each day with this visualization. Think of yourself as a successful movie character. What are you doing? Where did this success come from? Enjoy the feeling and use it as a motivation.

    • Make a motivational mural. Use popular images and phrases from magazines or websites and paste the poster in a place where you spend a lot, such as your office room or home kitchen.

    • Start self-motivating when you think of your success. Successful people believe in themselves and in their mission.

  2. Express curiosity for everything around you. Successful people have an unsatisfied curiosity: if they don’t understand how it works or don’t know the answer to a question, they will follow it. This often leads to a process of self -discovery - which is important as a result itself.

    • Ask questions about everyone around you. For example: ask the vet how your dog is different from someone or talk about gardening with a neighbor.

    • If you come across something new, do some research on the topic. What can you find about him?

    • Talk to people about experiences and successes. You may discover something new about someone you’ve known for years.

    • Curiosity makes people more interested in everything. End the fun throughout the process instead of just thinking about the ultimate goal.

  3. Live with successful people. Being surrounded by committed people is exciting. You can exchange ideas with them and meet new people who support your development.

    • Study celebrities through books, works and biographies. If possible, inspire your trajectory with them. Knowledge is accessible because it is powerful.

    • Make an evaluation of your own life. Is there anyone you know who has been successful in your search for yourself? What is this person doing now? How does he view life? Seek advice.

    • Avoid people who bring you down. They only hinder your progress.

  4. Have realistic expectations. It takes self -confidence to be successful in any endeavor. However, that’s not all: you need to have realistic expectations. If you’re too ambitious, it’s harder to get where you want to go.

    • Create flexible expectations. For example: instead of expecting absolute success in your new job, think of something like "I can practice a little. If it doesn't work out, I'll find another job".

    • Remember variables that are not in your control. What you can be controlling is your reaction to situations. For example: if you have an unexpected expense, say it is a temporary obstacle.

    • Listen to constructive criticism. Although these situations are difficult to deal with, they can help you identify areas where you can improve.

    • Learn to expect the worst. It is impossible to be successful without making a mistake or two every now and then.

Method 4 of 4: Termination of Failure

  1. Try again when you are faced with a setback . You quit making a lot of mistakes. However, do not hesitate: life often gives us many opportunities to fix things. What will define your success is your ability to shake the dust and try again. Don’t let go of everything just because of one weakness.

    • Don't make excuses. Don’t try to blame your failure on someone or something. Accept your responsibility to determine what you need to change.

    • Learn from your mistakes. Every failure is an opportunity to learn. If you have learned nothing, you are likely to make mistakes in the future. On the other hand, if you take a lesson from the situation, you will not waste time repeating the same thing.

  2. Don’t rely on your failures or mistakes. Accept the fact that life is not fair. Instead of brooding, think about what you can do to make the world better and use situations to your advantage.

    • For example: if your work environment is toxic, take the initiative and try to communicate with your colleagues. Talk about your past successes and motivate them to keep going.

    • Sometimes, unexpected things happen that happen. For example: a marathon runner has an accident and has a broken leg. In these situations, think of new goals or alternative ways to achieve success. In the example of the marathon runner, he or she may choose a sport that does not require as much effort, such as swimming, or decide to recover with physical therapy.

  3. Find happiness in other parts of life. Success is no guarantee of happiness. You can also be happy when you achieve a goal, but don’t think that it will bring you a feeling of eternal joy. Instead of just focusing on your goal, create balance in your life in many different sectors.

    • Don’t push people away. Don’t leave your interpersonal relationships, because they are among the most important things in life. For example: what is the use of inventing a cheap and efficient way to produce nuclear fission, but not having friends or close relatives?

    • Give more value to experiences than things. It’s not - not money or things - that brings the most happiness in the long run. Focus on creating memories and bond with the most important person in your life.

  4. Try to be positive even if you fail. A person can be much most effective when using the brain to guide actions (and not the other way around). If you make a mistake or fail, don’t be afraid to start again; be happy to receive a second chance.


  • Not everyone will support your desires. Some people are disgusted or insecure. Be prepared and ignore them until you find someone who is happy for you and by your side.

  • That alone is no guarantee of success; requires determination and consistency. Doing something sometimes doesn’t make a difference; the important thing is that you repeat this thing until you get it.

  • Always follow your definition of success. Try not to get stuck with what other people want your life.


  • Don’t worry too much about people’s opinions. Focus on yourself.

  • Be polite and respectful. You don’t have to initiate anyone to succeed.

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