Science in the midst of superstition

In the present age of modern science, people who believe in superstition can hardly be found. But the people of the previous age believed in various superstitions and acted accordingly. Due to this superstition, he used to do things which are very scientific. But they knew nothing about it but were getting the results correctly. Today's tune is with two such issues. So let's get to the real thing ---

  1. Many days ago. Then many people would die of cholera. Many times it spread in the form of epidemics. It could be seen that if there was cholera in one house, it would spread to the houses on the left or right side of that house but the people of the other house would not be harmed. That is why the people at that time had a superstition that the one-eyed blind woman was responsible for this cholera. The old woman used to look at only one side so the cholera would spread only to one side. They believed that if the old woman's eyes could be blindfolded, cholera would not spread. This is why they used to heat an iron rod or something like that and put it in a jug of water. Cholera could not be seen after that. They thought that if the old woman had one eye closed, she would not have cholera anymore.

Scientific explanation

We know that cholera is a waterborne bacterial disease. Cholera If you drink water mixed with germs, you will get cholera. Cholera was spread through the water of the people of earlier days. And when they heated the iron and dipped it in water to blind the old woman's eyes, the heat would destroy the cholera germs in the water so that there would be no more cholera. That is why it is said to drink boiled water.

  1. We all know what a laundry is. The laundresses of the previous day used to go to the pond or canal to wash the clothes. Do not wash clothes in open place in water and remove water hyacinth where there is water hyacinth. Couldn't tell why they did it, which was a lot like superstition. But it could be seen that the clothes were very well cleaned in that water.

Scientific explanation

Two types of water. Namely - soft water and hard water. In soft water the cloth is well cleaned and in hard water the cloth is not well cleaned and a lot of soap is wasted. The water in the pond is much lower than the water in the open space. This is because the black beard-like part of the underside of the water hyacinth cuts off much of the salts or substances that are responsible for the hardness of the water. As a result, the water hardness of that part is very low. That is why the cloth is more clean in that water.

Ornob Ahamed

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@labib1820 posted 3 years ago



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