Let's go back to the manger

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4 years ago

Let's go back to the manger where there is no crib for a comfortable bed.

Let's see the son of God, lying down his little head.

Let's follow the star that serve as a sign where Jesus Christ stay.

Let's see the son of God sleeping on the hay.

Let's offer him a gift.

Let's rejoice because there's no room for grief.

We can't give Jesus Christ valuable thing

But having Jesus Christ means everything.

He was conceived by the holy spirit and born by Mary, a virgin mother

And Joseph, the carpenter become his earthenly father.

We lack richness

But being with Jesus Christ, we can reached holiness.

He was crucified to save us from sin.

He laid down on a tomb but he came back to his life again.

He ascended back to heaven

But he promised that the right time will come and he will be back to the world again.

He will be back and the righteous will live together with Him in heaven

And the hell will be the place for the wicked and the villain.

Everlasting life will be the good people's reward

But everlasting pain will be the reward for the bad and the coward.

Let's go back to the manger.

Let's worship God, the Almighty Father.

We need to stop ourselves from committing sin

And in the judgement day, we will be found innocent and clean.

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