Hello! I'm new here.
Just trying new stuff, I love trying new things.
Also, I heard people can earn here. I wonder if it's for everyone.
We'll see.
How's your day?
Mine's just a normal day.
Wake up. Play games. Eat. Watch. Study, sometimes. Eat. Sleep.
How unproductive, isn't it?
But hey, I want to improve, that's why I'm here.
Maybe this will make me... I don't know.
Well, let me cut to the chase.
I'm... Well, I don't know if I can tell anyone my name here.
I wanna hide my identity so I can write whatever I want here.
So, just call me, Maxie.
Hi, I'm Maxie. 21. Studying. No money.
I'm pressured about my future. I don't know where I'll be when I graduate.
Will I find a job? Will they hire me?
All I know is, I don't want to disappoint my family.
And I want to give them a better life.
With all the uncertainties, I just keep in mind that God has a plan.
I believe in His plan for me.
Without this belief, maybe I'm not here anymore.
So, you. Yes, you who's reading this.
I don't know if you're feeling the same way.
But just in case, just in case you're afraid and feeling the same.
Please, keep in mind that GOD HAS A PLAN.
Plan for me, for you, and for all of us.
Believe in yourself and trust Him.
Trust me.
Ohhh, what a dramatic way to introduce myself. LOL.
Yah. I think that's it.
If you reach this far, thanks for reading!
Love, Mx <<33
Hello there! and welcome to the community!