What is the best mental strategy?

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Avatar for kmr86247
3 years ago

People want to think of you as an important person: Straighten your back and hold your head in a job interview during a presentation, meeting or networking event. Because people think that a person who is in a good position is more successful or stronger.

Want to build trust in the first meeting: Start copying the other person's posture and it will build trust and comfort in you. But be careful, it would be wrong to copy many poses, so just look at the person's posture, the small aspects of the mirror.

Want to annoy someone: Stay calm and quiet Nothing is boring except nothing.

Want to be popular with people: Remember the names of your peers and colleagues. People will feel especially when you call them by their name when you contact them.

Wanting to make someone feel uncomfortable: Start looking at their forehead during the conversation. Most people will feel that they are under investigation.

People want to say yes to you: Ask a question that you want a positive answer, just turn your head subtly when making a request. This technique is often used by restaurant staff so that guests can buy more food and it is very effective.

People want respect and admiration: Start sharing your conflict stories and weaknesses with them, how you succeed in overcoming countless obstacles. The moment people start spending their time on your story, they start to respect you too.

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