Last week was a very tough and rewarding experience.

I don't know how I squeezed my time to review for our midterms, write a short post from the previous event as a "communication" officer, release consistent TikTok videos, and provide my service to one of my virtual friends.

Fortunately, I handled all of them with only 5-6 hours of sleep. I am now slowly recouping my sleep since we have just recently finished our exam.

Two weeks ago, I contacted one of my virtual friends to work for her, as I heard about it from our group chat. I am so embarrassed to ask her with regard to this matter since I don't know if she will hire me or not.

I thought that the money that I would earn from her outsourced articles could cover the P2,800 for the tour. Therefore, I asked her modestly if I could gain the required amount before the cut-off. Then, she responded that it was not feasible, but she gave me an alternative.

I want to make this post brief, but I did.

She didn't shoulder all the required money for the tour since I still have another source of income. Yet, it won't be possible without her help. I have already settled the necessary amount and already completed all the requirements.

I have something to say about our work, but I think it's very confidential.

$ 0.04
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@kingofreview posted 2 months ago
