Your humility makes me great.​—2 Sam. 22:36.

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2 years ago

A man can learn to be a good family head by imitating the way that Jehovah and Jesus exercise their headship. For instance, consider the quality of humility. Jehovah is the wisest Person in existence; yet, he listens to the opinions of his servants. (Gen. 18:23, 24, 32) Jehovah is perfect, but he does not, at present, expect perfection from us. Instead, he helps imperfect humans who serve him to succeed. (Ps. 113:6, 7) In fact, the Bible even describes Jehovah as a “helper.” (Ps. 27:9; Heb. 13:6) King David acknowledged that he could accomplish the great work he was given to do only because of Jehovah’s humility. Consider Jesus’ example. Although Lord and Master of his disciples, he washed their feet. Jesus himself said: “I set the pattern for you, that just as I did to you, you should also do.” (John 13:12-17) Although he had great authority, Jesus did not expect to be served. Instead, he served others.​—Matt. 20:28

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