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3 years ago

The names of the 5 favorite movies I have seen are: -

1. Interstellar (2014)

In my opinion, this film is the best educational science fiction of all time. If there is even a little bit of interest in space, astronomy or science, then death without seeing this picture is useless.

2. World War Z (2013)

The story of a man who risked his life to protect his family. Brad Pitt's performance in the film is very skillful.

3. The Shutter Island (2010)

An impossibly thriller film. In the last 30 minutes I also felt crazy. 😄

4. The Terminal (2004)

Very simple - a partial love story of a simple patriot. He has infinite love and respect for his father.

5. Chhichhore (2019)

An educational story of learning to accept defeat. But if you understand Hindi language, you must smile.😁

Hopefully one of the pictures above will not disappoint you.

Happy film journey !!!🤗

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3 years ago


I love shutter Island. It's mind twisting... Leonardo was perfect for the role...

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3 years ago