MacroDroid: Android-Automation App

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3 years ago

The Android OS has evolved magnificently since the days of Cupcake, Donut, Eclair, Froyo, Gingerbread (The Firsts). There have been different builds of the Operating System that every android user usually looks forward to its newer release by Google because of the awesome features that are anticipated. However, for each of these builds (even as far back as Android 4.2), you can put another classic feather on its cap through automation.

Automation is one of the less-explored strongholds of the Android OS, with applications such as Tasker and Automate arguably topping the scene. However, these applications (Tasker and Automate) can be difficult to set up because of the level of expertise it requires and their well, Poor UI (duh!). Thus the average android user misses out of the ease-of-life automation brings. But then enters MacroDroid โ€” an automation app that combines simplicity & robustness and delivers full automation to your android device without sweat or a need to root your device.


MacroDroid's User Interface

MacroDroid was developed by Jamie (aka UndeadCretin) back in 2012 as a part-time hobby/passion, and it has blossomed into a beauty over the years. Its working principle/foundation is by creating "macros" which are basically automated tasks. A macro consists of:

  • Trigger: A particular event that occurs on the device (eg. application launched, Screen off, Headphones inserted etc).

  • Action: An activity that the device can perform. This is essentially the task you want your device to do automatically (eg. Keep device awake, Sync account, Pop-up message etc).

  • Constraint: This is some sort of control, but it is not mandatory that it should be used when creating macros. It is an event on the device that must be satisfied/true for the Trigger to fire (eg. Time of the day, Mobile data on/off, Music active etc).

Macros are very easy to set up; and for the techies who like to play around/try more deeper things, there's the Variables, Send intent, Text manipulation and more sections for you. If you don't like the supposed stress of creating a macro, there's the Template tab where users (whether registered or not) can easily import macros created & uploaded by the large MacroDroid user-base. An average of 8-10 macros are uploaded daily by the MacroDroid community. Awesome!

Top Users/Leaderboard

MacroDroid is not a game but yep, there is some sort of leaderboard present in the app where registered users are ranked based on their contributions (uploading useful macros). It is a kind of inspiration for users to be the best while providing macros, and can be used to find macros uploaded by a particular person.

Well, not that this part below is relevant to this article, but I'm currently ranked 48 out of 1046 registered users, and I've uploaded 25 macros (put some respek on my name ๐Ÿ˜).

That's obviously me. The Avatar speaks, Lol

Some macros I've created and use consistently include:

  1. Check current storage info (Internal and External SD card) by Quick settings tile button anytime.

  2. Facebook and Instagram push-notifications management to keep my notification shade decluttered.

  3. Data/Wifi should automatically turn OFF after 10mins if I suddenly sleep off at night unknowingly while connected to the internet.

  4. Auto-show New IP Address when VPN Connects.

The free version of the app is limited to 5 macros and contains ads. However, you can get the full version by paying a very minimal amount as an in-app purchase, which also helps in supporting the project and the developer. With the full version, an unlimited number of macros can be created/imported and all ads are removed permanently.

Link to the app on Google PlayStore:

Do you own/use an Android device? Come on to the good side with automation.

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$ 0.00
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Written by
3 years ago


Android, iOS, Windows, and Firefox OS platforms ยท Open source ยท No need to recompile app ยท

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I used android but i fear to just use other app or software that wasn't in-built i can cause of failure and make your phone dead

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Hehe, my friend.. MacroDroid doesn't tamper with your inner system settings, and would not crash your phone. It is perfectly safe to use.. I guarantee you

read the app description on playstore and check out the reviews too from thousands of users. It's the best thing since sliced bread ๐Ÿ˜

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Hmmmm let me think about it, ill try it in old phone if its really safe

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Lol. ok.. I understand. better safe than sorry

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yeah we experience that many times

$ 0.00
3 years ago