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2 years ago

There is this thing that I do on noise cash when I couldn't think of something to post. I get a picture from pinterest, and then i use it as a prompt to make a mini post about my life. But it's not 100% about my life, because it's gonna be about an imaginary life in which i put myself into. And I am planning to do this here on read cash as well.

But instead of mini posts, it's gonna be longer plus it would seem like a chaptered story. I don't have a final name yet for this project yet, But i have a few choices.

1. The Fictional Life of Joow

2. What happened

3. Inside the World of Joow.

The first one and the third one sounds like an academic essay more than a fun story. And the second one sounds too serious.

I don't know what to name it yet. But my posts will revolve around about my life and what happens in it daily, butwith modifications here and there. This is only to make my life seem more interesting. Because I can't just post here about the things that happen to me daily. If I do that, it's going to be boring. Since what I do every day is the same.

I wake up, do my journal, post on noise, scroll through my social media, eat, study, cook, study, read, sleep. That is all I do everyday. Boring right?

And so I decided to make a blog with a bit of a twist. And I think it's going to be fun! What do you think about it?

But don't worry, at the very beginning I'll share the plain version of my day. And then there will be a divider wherein the modified version will be posted.

I am excited for this one because this is like painting, but insead of colors I will be using words! I hope that people will enjoy it too :>

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All my post in noise is mostly the things that happen to my life or about the anime or k-drama that I am watching.

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2 years ago

same with me! i update people about my study life and sometimes the food that i eat hehe. It's also fun here because you can write extra long stuff!

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2 years ago