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4 years ago

Trump Nascar Airplane Event. If you want to be notice, just take the time to notice people. Why not? Be there for people. Be reliable. Be there for people. Be that rock. Be the Rock lol. Be the gold. Be Bitcoin. Oh, speaking of, Max Keiser was on Alex Jones and said Bitcoin Cash (BCH) is a scam. Now, I don't know if there is any truth to that or not. We assembled our new Rotary tiller machine. Some light rain. I felt tired today. I did some organizing. Outlander. Beaty & the Beta. Lionel Nation. Lisa Haven. Didn't watch the NBA All-Stars game. Been reviewing 2018 still.

Saved in America
Restricted Republic
Max Keiser

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2020-02-16 - Sunday

Oatmeal Daily - 2020-02-16 - Sunday

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

@OatmealJoey | @OatmealEnglish | @OatmealHealth | @JoeyArnoldVN

Published in February of 2020

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Are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT), unless otherwise noted.

Anna Star Wars Girl


Merry Mayhem said she was like oatmeal on the floor in regards to something something, I forget, but I had to reply


you can kiss my oatmeal

Moon Mars Missions

01:12 AM - Steemit

With the Mars Rover, they would give the rover missions, tasks. Now, technically, that is not remote control, directly speaking, but close enough. If they can do it on Mars then they can do it on the moon. And keep in mind that the Mars Rover has been on Mars for around 20 years now. So, this is not new technology. It is old. 20 years is old. I remember watching it twenty years ago. I remember watching videos about how they control it. I'm not saying don't put people on the moon. I'm saying one step at a time. I'm saying they should do their best to take advantage of what the moon has to offer. They need to study the moon as  much as possible in order to make the best plan possible for where to put the people on the moon.

My older sister loved that Ann doll and then got a baby sister with that same middle name.


01:16 AM - Steemit

Hello Jenet. You should make a video where you pretend to tap dance.

Meanign to Life

01:24 AM - Steemit

The power of a cell phone, the art of cutting thoughts into tiny pieces lol.


2020-02-16 - Sunday - 01:37 AM - 02:34 AM - Outlander 203

Claire or Clair said she felt that her life has felt more conventional ever since she moved to France in around 1745 as she is from like 1940's and was born in like the 1910's and is about 28 years old or so in Outlander.



The maid doing it too

Hired pick pocket boy

Toy snake




Trained dog of the nun


Notes changes


Music Code, not to be confused with the Bible Code


Lionel Nation

08:10 AM - Live Stream: Bloomberg and the HRC Running Mate Con

Life Lesson

08:22 AM - Steemit

That is a pretty fundamental life lesson that never grows old.

During Sunday School, finished the lesson from last week. I left my notebook which had the answers to the puzzle I wrote on the whiteboard. I figured it out but Mike was leading the lesson this week. We talked about what it means to be a disciple of Christ. There is value in meeting together with others in the body of Christ. A building can be holy ground to an extent or to greater degrees depending on the place perhaps. But holiness can be emphasized in each person and not the building itself.

The sermon was on finding balance between the supernatural and that of the natural and they do go hand to hand. The baptist can focus on the intellectual and Benny Hinn might be a symbol of miracles, healings. Now, some things can be fake. But some of it can be real. It depends on many different things. Sometimes, it could be Satan. Sometimes, it can be of God. Sometimes, it could staged. Sometimes, it can be a placebo effect. It can be in your head. Sometimes, a combination of these different things. Can I get a new driver's permit? Can I answer the questions in the test again like I did in 2019? I can try at least to the extent somebody gives me the money to try.

Steak in rice. Coffee.

Star Wars Theory

01:05 PM - Why Palpatine Knew it was the Perfect Time to KILL Plagueis - Star Wars Explained

I was once in an iJustine video.

Lisa Haven

01:18 PM - Former Navy Seal Reveals Dynamic Bombshell Being Overlooked By All…This Video May Save Lives!

Saved in America

Restricted Republic

Very Popular

02:01 PM - Steemit

gotta love the witnesses.... wow, 656 comments here, pure pinay, you are very popular, hehe must be all the workouts and leg squatting you do lol

Helped assemble a new machine for tilling the ground for like ten minutes. Started to sprinkle rain a bit.


03:00 PM - THE MANCAVE "TRUMP IS MY PRESIDENT! Hitlary for prison!" Alex Jones is the REMEDY to fake news! Thug Goosh

Max Keiser is talking to Alex Jones about Bitcoin.

Max is saying that Bitcoin BTC will be going to $400K.

That may happen but when is a question.

Ultimately, it could go over a million dollars.

Plus, the dollar and fiat in general can die or at least decline in value.

Well, centralized fiat has been inflating to lose value.


Economic Bubble

Quantative Easing

Major Coordination necessary between central bankers, the money cartels, globally

But it can crash

So, when it crashes or if it crashes depends on how well they coordinate to keep the bubble popping perhaps

Bitcoin Alex Jones

04:16 PM - Minds

My question to @AlexJones#3810 would be concerning how much he understands Bitcoin. Technically, Bitcoin is not something you can hold in your hand or in one computer. Bitcoin is not localized but is omnipresent or exists in a sync via different computers, etc, simultaneously, and it has a mathematical system for verifying itself, AKA cryptography. So, having Bitcoin actually means having access to a piece of the pie of Bitcoin so to speak. Bitcoin is like a pie. People obtain slices of that pie. But the pie remains decentralized and backed up and synced and transparent in an archive on thousands of PCs in different countries. If some computers with Bitcoin blow up, then other computers will still have copies of them and continue. You don't lose them. Bitcoin is like the DNA of the human race in the sense that the human race continues to live on even if some people die and Bitcoin can continue to live even if computers, etc, go offline, etc. It is possible that Bitcoin is not perfect but it sure is a good alternative for now from the dollar. Now, there are other cryptos as well. I would invest in different cryptos just in case. You could emphasize on your favorite cryptocurrency perhaps. There are different Bitcoin flavors or forks or spinoffs like Bitcoin Satoshi Version (Bitcoin SV). I would still buy gold, etc, too, at the same time. I would not invest any more in crypto than you are willing to lose. Because it is still gambling. It is still risky. You can still lose. But I try to invest in different things because you never know. I can't say which alt coins might be better than others. I know Max Keiser was saying the other crypto are terrible when compared to the original Bitcoin (BTC) but I am not sure if that is totally true. Max said Bitcoin Cash is a scam. I don't know if that is true but it could be partly true or there could be some truth in that. I need to do my homework to figure these things out more. There are over 1,000 different crypto coins.

Organized in the yard shed and the garden shed and the patio. Dishes. Toast.

Matt Christiansen

07:42 PM - 🔴 NH Berns, Justice for Jussie, #BloombergIsRacist, What Is Scandinavian? & More LIVE 9 ET

tech fascism

SAS ad campaign tried to say that Scandinavia is not unique but you can say that about any country and not say it at the same time

A hole in the sky where the tree was song at a city council in Seattle in 2020

Sleep around 08:00 PM to 12:00 AM.


Anna Star Wars Girl



2020-02-16 - Sunday - 01:37 AM - 02:34 AM - Outlander 203

Lionel Nation

08:10 AM - Live Stream: Bloomberg and the HRC Running Mate Con

Star Wars Theory

01:05 PM - Why Palpatine Knew it was the Perfect Time to KILL Plagueis - Star Wars Explained

Lisa Haven

01:18 PM - Former Navy Seal Reveals Dynamic Bombshell Being Overlooked By All…This Video May Save Lives!


03:00 PM - THE MANCAVE "TRUMP IS MY PRESIDENT! Hitlary for prison!" Alex Jones is the REMEDY to fake news! Thug Goosh

Matt Christiansen

07:42 PM - 🔴 NH Berns, Justice for Jussie, #BloombergIsRacist, What Is Scandinavian? & More LIVE 9 ET

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2012-2017 - Taught English in Vietnam

Mom life vs Dad life

As the primary votes in Iowa continue to be a problem, it comes out that Hillary's 2016 campaign manager is involved!

Background information re:tron, Genies, and authoritarianism....A Mondays meandering.

What We're Up Against

Cyder hates borders, Trump USA ICE guards, security, nation states, etc, and compares it to NAZIs

USA army preps for coronavirus or covid-19

1981 Book Was About A Pathogen That Escaped From A Biolab In Wuhan

Democrats & Mainstream Media... America's Real Enemies.

Covid-19 is China’s Vietnam War?

Fox News Sends Out Internal Memo Warning About Fake News…On Fox News

PegNet-a stabilized token with multiple assets using the Factom Protocol | Altcoin Buzz Review

Was Kobe Bryant Murdered?

What is the Corona Virus?

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Happy Valentines Day 2020.

$ 0.05
$ 0.05 from @unitedstatian
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4 years ago
