Discover the power of acceptance to lighten up

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Avatar for joepowlow
1 year ago

How do you know something is not good for you? And when you discover that this situation is not good for you, can you distinguish whether you should quit or go over it? And when you make the distinction, can you take this path through the heart's acceptance?

I've been too stubborn a girl in life to understand things that didn't feel good to me for too long. I had the illusion that what I was pulling here and there could be real. I thought that if I tried hard enough, things could be the way I wanted, but there were things I had and things I could never have. I guess I resisted too much not to understand this.

We experience the greatest surrender when we are faced with the possibility that our existence in this life may come to an end.

Friends, after all the denials and tears, there comes a moment when you finally understand. What? The deep acceptance that appears where words are meaningless and empty. The dizzying presence of trust in your greater self helps you meet true surrender.

You cannot improve situations that are not good for you by making them try to come to you, ignoring them, playing overtime. You cannot change how you feel about situations by keeping yourself busy. (Modern man is always tested here.)

Whether it's your relationship, your job, your health, or something else! The first step starts with being able to see what really is in its entirety. The first baby steps to recovery are right here, friends! When you stop running and see the situation clearly, you begin to distinguish what is in your hands and what is not. And as the distinction becomes clearer, acceptance begins to emerge.

We all want to be loved and accepted. But friends, we are stingy at giving it to ourselves, and I have a news: Although we often say we are aware of the superficial situations, it's only when we talk to a therapist that we begin to see our dark sides that we swept under the rug and didn't even know existed. Herein lies the strength of the bond between the therapist and the client. No matter what you tell in the presence of a qualified therapist, when you feel that that little girl or boy inside you will not be excluded and accepted, the darkness begins to be covered.

Now I knew, I could invite whatever I was holding on to the release area, like the breath I exhaled. Now I knew, all my efforts to hold on were still about me. The Existence that gave me new life with every breath was taking it with every exhaled breath. Now I knew, if something was going through my hand, this place was pregnant with new possibilities and it was the most magical part of the job. I didn't need to fill it out. Eventually the wave would hit the shore. All I had to do was look with the desire to see what really happened and trust this place.

We are always deeply aware of everything that is not healthy, we just don't want to see it. If it comes to light, we are afraid and put on our mask, as we don't know what to do with it. Until, one day, the referee somehow blew that whistle. The hard whistle also changes according to everyone's story.

Maybe whatever you're playing those overtimes today, invite him to sit next to you. You stay with him as long as you can, without trying to do anything or fix anything. This is where life itself will give birth to you again. Don't worry, huge life is blowing life to you moment by moment, don't waste any breath.

The first thing I do when removing things from my life in recent years is to observe my body, my heartbeat, my sensations, and then gently face whatever the subject is, stay calm for a while and create space. Sometimes crying, sometimes touching that density in the body, and letting the subject live with compassion when the time comes... Being able to say "I don't know" when the mind's scenarios such as "buts" and "and so on" appear and being open to the courage to walk to the next step with great love...

If there's something in your life that's holding you back, the most annoying words in the world are: RELEASE, ACCEPT! However, it takes time to give the true meaning of these two actions. This is life's greatest dilemma: where effort ends, action itself is revealed.

The first step in trying to finish the effort is to slow down. Whatever the circumstances, you are the precious one! Everything else can only be an expression of the meaning you give it.

Instead of the “I have to let go” look, you can be willing to see how the situation makes you feel and trust that this movie is yours in all its colors!

And all life is a stage based on you making this place alone! You are not a victim of this scene! You never were! You are the sun of your own system. Do not mistake other people, events, situations as the sun. It is possible to exist without squeezing your own life!

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Avatar for joepowlow
1 year ago
