It is important to stay mentally strong
Is it possible that a person surrounded by worries and problems can remain mentally alert and diligent? It is not only difficult but impossible. After all, a person is a person, he is not a robot who is devoid of feelings and emotions.
How and why this can happen is explained in an article published in an
American journal. Essayist Kate Pickert sheds light on this issue in a very
meaningful way and mentions in a very concrete way the factors that are
necessary to be mentally active and alert. Below is what the article mentions.
Nigar did in his thoughtful article I have joined a class to stay mentally challenged.
The curriculum I am being taught is called MBSR. The curriculum aims to reduce
mental stress and keep you mentally alert. This curriculum was developed in 1979
by a scientist, Jon Kabat-Zinn. The teachers of this class give us lectures on MBSR.
Their guidance is very helpful for me and my other colleagues. We are taught
various techniques to keep ourselves mentally alert. These techniques
include meditation. . There are 1000 teachers teaching in the institution
where I am studying. I was given a raisin and told a unique way to eat it. First I
put it in my mouth and then rolled it around with my tongue. Then I cut it into
small pieces with the help of my teeth and chewed these pieces very slowly.
For the first time in his life he was eating raisins in this way. I was mentally
prepared for this task because I was asked to do it. There is also a logical
justification for why I was asked to eat raisins. You are made to understand
how difficult it is to think about the same thing continuously. Technology has
simplified the process of dividing attention into segments. We pay our bills
while watching TV. That is, we are already so mentally busy, but despite this
stressful situation, we also do other things. This is a way to help reduce
mental stress. and we can remain mentally challenged in any situation.
We also answer our colleagues' questions from the kids soccer stand. The goal is
just to see how diligently you can work to pay attention in one place if you are
busy in another. This method of being mentally diligent seems very difficult,
but if such methods are followed continuously, it will help you. Your mental
and Now even big physiotherapists say that these are great ways to stay mentally
alert. If today's man is facing the problem that there are countless factors to
divert his attention and it is difficult to divert his attention. If there is no work,
there is only one logical answer and that is that you should be mentally alert
at all times. The most important thing is that you should not impose mental
pressure on the mind in any case. A very dangerous situation may arise for
you. There are no signs that your powers of distraction will weaken or you will
get rid of them. So what is the solution? Be in control of yourself. Be mentally
strong and mentally stable and alert Sit upright in a chair on the floor. Keep
your back straight and your shoulders relaxed. Then take a deep breath and
close your eyes if your heart desires Keep monitoring your breathing and don't
change the pace of your breathing. Also, focus on the air entering and exiting your
lungs If different thoughts keep coming into your mind while breathing,
immediately accept those thoughts and then focus on breathing again Don't judge
yourself or avoid things that are distracting you. You just have to notice that your
mind is working with great freedom Do this for ten minutes every day for a week.
The more you go into meditation, the easier it will be for you to focus your
attention where you want it to be I usually sit in a chair and watch the people
around me. When I walk around I feel like I'm sniffing the air. It's all hard work
though and it takes patience and persistence to succeed. There is a lot of need but it
all has to be done to be.