Dinner: Prohibited eating before bed.

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3 years ago

"Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dinner like a beggar" - that means breakfast is the most important meal of the day.

Many of us are hurrying to get to work in the morning or to start our everyday lives, so we prefer to only grab something to eat on the go, and eat the biggest meal for dinner when we have time to eat and sit down. Most dietary guidelines concentrate on what we can consume, but it is equally, if not more important, what we eat. A recent study suggests that if we eat more calories in the morning and fewer in the evening, we will lose more weight.

After eating, many of us are drowsy, especially when full. Such circumstances, especially when you are relaxed after eating, are inevitable. When it comes to evening meals, uncontrolled food consumption is not acceptable. The problem of what should and can not be eaten before bed would, therefore, be important. Consider the important things.

From childhood to old age, lunch and dinner were my heaviest and greatest meals. Because of the rush hours and the vigil, I could not stop it. I do not know when I hurry to food that I consume so little and that they are not nutritious foods. I always feel hungry at night, so I don't resist consuming midnight snacks like fast food, and sometimes it's a heavy meal like meat and rice.

Depending on what they eat before resting or sleeping, some experience insomnia. We need sleep for our bodies, but we also need to look at our favorite foods and eat them before bed. Make sure it is still nutritious and not detrimental to your health.

Sleep is necessary for our bodies so that we can be safe and solid. So, before going to bed, we should be cautious about what we eat.

Here are some nighttime foods to avoid:

  1. Pork, fat, and beef. Your stomach is going to have a hard time digesting it when you eat a lot of meat and fat. To cause it to eat, the stomach can release a lot of acids. You're permitted to eat meat, but just a little.

  2. Too full!. Feed just a little to keep the body from pain.

  3. Spicy foods like chili, pepper, hot sauce, and curry are spicy and spicy. When you eat spicy foods at night, your stomach can ache. Research in Australia reveals that it is less likely for people who enjoy hot sauce and mustard to fall asleep at night.

  4. Beverages of alcohol. There is a myth that sleep is improved by alcohol. Yes, at first you will fall asleep, but at the night you can wake up. In the morning, you will always have a "hang-over" and a headache. As it dehydrates, alcohol also irritates the face and skin.

  5. Energy Drinks and Coffee. Drinks wake us up with caffeine. You will not be able to sleep at night if you enjoy drinking coffee. Energy drinks have a greater effect because, compared to coffee, they contain 4 times more caffeine. 1 can of energy drink contains caffeine in the sum of 80 milligrams.

  6. With soft drinks. Soft drinks, in addition to caffeine, are high in sugar, which can induce anxiety. Stop these foods to get a decent night's sleep.

Every night, many people eat too much, even though they are not hungry. Eating is also part of their everyday routine at this time. But you can raise your weight by eating at night - something that is not good for your health. But there are substitute foods for it, such as cereals or vegetables, if we can not resist feeding at night.

People whose breakfast is the main meal of the day have a diminished appetite to eat later, so they end up eating fewer calories for the rest of the day, and they have a strong focus and more energy to perform daily activities, and their mood improves in return. Another healthy advantage of eating a big breakfast is that the blood sugar levels will be increased.

$ 6.07
$ 6.07 from @TheRandomRewarder
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3 years ago


"A recent study suggests that if we eat more calories in the morning and fewer in the evening, we will lose more weight." I'd love to see the reference for this study, as this claim is nonsense. What matters for weight loss or gain is total energy intake not when it is taken. When calorie intake is equated there is no difference whether you follow a typical routine of 4 meals a day or 2 meals a day (or if you try IF). Also the title "prohibited eating before bed". Yeah, right....

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3 years ago