Forgive not for others but for yourself

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1 year ago

If this title has drawn you in and you find yourself in the lines of this article, it may be time to leave things behind, to let go of feelings and thoughts that don't serve you, to move forward stronger on your path; in short, it may be time to forgive.

You can feel much better by forgiving a situation that hurt you, someone who broke your heart, a word that angered you. You can learn to forgive, forgive and do it only for yourself. You may have come across the phrase "Forgiveness is greatness..." somewhere in your life or heard different sayings that mean the same thing. It must mean something, right, and if forgiveness wasn't a good thing, would it have been said for centuries?

"Holding a grudge is like picking up a burning piece of coal to throw at someone else. You only burn yourself. - Buddha"

Forgiveness not only helps you to let go of wrongs done to you. It also increases your sense of happiness and growth. It's hard to move forward and be productive when you're stuck in the past and focused on the harm others have done to you. The more you hold on to them, the more you will continue to be hurt, but you can change that. All you need to do is forgive. But if you are not ready to forgive yet, give yourself time to experience and understand your feelings. Forgiveness takes time. So you still need time to digest things, to sort things out. Trust yourself, if forgiveness doesn't feel right right now, it probably isn't. Save the article and read it again in the near future when you feel ready to forgive yourself. But if you are ready, then go ahead; you will see, forgiveness will make you feel so much better, don't sabotage yourself by taking away your chance to be better.

Forgiveness can mean different things to different people, but it often involves thoughts of resentment, bitterness or revenge. The person or situation that hurt, offended or angered you may haunt you constantly, but forgiveness takes the pressure off and frees you from the grasp of the person or situation that is preoccupying you. It can even help you develop feelings of understanding, empathy and compassion towards the person who hurt you. Forgiveness is not about forgetting or excusing the harm done to you, it is not about making peace with the person who caused the harm; it is a means of peace to help you move on.

Being forgiving can lead to

Healthier relationships

Better mental health

Less anxiety, stress

Lower risk of depression

A stronger immune system

Improved heart health

And it is closely related to a higher sense of self.

Forgiveness is about leaving the pain behind and moving on with 'peace of mind'. So, forgive! You may be thinking, 'But I'm so hurt, I don't know how to forgive'. Don't worry, there are many ways to make forgiveness easier.

You can start thinking about the events and people in your life who need forgiveness right now. If it is time to forgive, you can follow the steps above, start your inner journey and heal yourself with the power of forgiveness.

If you feel that it is not time yet, that your pain and emotion is too fresh, you can try again in the future. But it is better not to delay forgiveness too long; not for someone else, but for yourself. I am telling you...

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1 year ago


True, we must forgive most of ourselves sometimes for the things that we failed to do, for the things that made us regret. I always find it hard to forgive myself while I easily forgive other people. It's so draining that even I, can't forgive myself for the mistakes I did in the past and it's affecting my present. Thank you for this blog, it helps to realize many things and in myself.

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1 year ago