the most convenient time to write There is no significant time, day, or place for you to write. It my be a story, poem, diary, journal, etc. If you want to write, then write. If you feel to write, then write. No one’s stopping you. Write your thoughts about things, and don’t make others make validations according to your writing. It’s your own thoughts and opinion. They don’t have the right to have a say with it, unless you’re stepping on them with your writings.

Make writing mostly about your own world. Write as you want. It’s kind of a therapy for your mind. Write each word you think of.

If you re aiming for a good writing, find an inspiration about it. Or in a simple manner, just write about what you love. Once you start it, you won’t notice how it would be a beautiful piece in the end. You will never go wrong with expressing the things you love. That’s how it goes.

Good luck on your writings. :)

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@jerizze posted 3 years ago
