The Best Ways To Spend Your Time Alone.

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2 years ago

Being alone is the loneliest feeling in the world. Everyone has their own way of spending time alone, and these are just a few of mine.

While I love to be social, I also genuinely enjoy my alone time. That's why it's so important that I schedule it in advance rather than waiting until I'm already exhausted from the day's activities. Whether you're an introvert or extrovert, here are some ways you can spend your time alone productively.

1. Unplug

You might not know it, but when you turn off your internet, television and phone, you begin to recharge. You can literally go weeks without seeing or talking to a friend, but when you do, you feel more energetic than when you first woke up.

To go days without any screen time is like being reborn. As your brain starts to rewire, you'll have a better sense of direction and focus. You won't lose your mind when you come back online because you won't have the distractions. You'll also be able to fully concentrate on anything you do in life because your brain won't be on overload.

The trick to this is to not let it go to far. I don't recommend turning off your phone unless you're going to go for a walk or to get some fresh air. If you don't actually DO anything, you'll feel guilty and you won't enjoy it. Also, I don't recommend just giving your brain some down time. You'll be missing out on valuable information that your friends and family are sharing. But if you're going to turn off your phone or internet, make sure that you have something to keep you company. And make sure to find a way to bring your phone and internet back into the bedroom so you can still check your phone when your partner wakes up!

2. Create

There's no better feeling than creating something from scratch. Whether it's art, music, a poem, an app, or something else, there's nothing more inspiring than creating something that you put a lot of thought into.

I love to create because it's something that requires me to put in a lot of time and effort. I love being immersed in a project that I really care about, and it forces me to think outside the box. I also love the feeling of accomplishment you get from the end result.

One of the easiest ways to create is by going outside and walking around your neighborhood. You'll see all of your neighbors' beautiful houses, and you'll be able to talk to them about what you love. You'll also have the chance to see your town in a completely new light. It's really hard to stay in the same routine every day, so this can really help you to reevaluate your day and life.

3. Cook

Cooking is another great way to spend your time alone because it can be done all by yourself.

Some people think cooking takes up too much time, but I don't. In fact, cooking doesn't really take that much time at all. Sure, you need some pans and knives, but cooking is more about learning how to do it than it is about the actual time it takes. It's much more valuable than you would think. It also gets you creative, because if you want to cook, you have to find the best ways of doing it.

Cooking is also a great exercise. I always feel more energized after I finish a meal, and I feel like I've accomplished something. Also, you might actually enjoy eating your own creations because it will feel more fulfilling than eating something you got in a restaurant.

4. Read a Book

Sometimes you need a break from all of the socializing, but you don't want to spend your time alone reading a book.

However, if you want to read a book, there's nothing wrong with that. You can read just a little bit at a time, and you can even read two books at a time. The best part is that when you read, you can escape into a different world and you can completely lose track of time.

It can be hard to enjoy being alone sometimes, but there are some things you can do to make the best of your alone time and even enjoy it!

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Avatar for jamaraku
2 years ago


The unplugging part is difficult for me, because much of my "alone" time is spent on the Internet doing various things that I enjoy. I like to write, I enjoy my online social interaction. I like to spend time researching various stocks I am interested in, and keeping up with business news so that I make more informed choices when it comes to investing.

But I also enjoy playing my guitar, and writing and recording music. Just a hobby of mine.

I almost HAVE to have alone time. So much of our lives get pulled in one direction or another of someone else's choosing, that we have to have time sometimes to just do what WE want to do.

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2 years ago