Women and Cellulite. To show or to conceal it?

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3 years ago

There has been a surge in recent times, the craze, and crave for the perfection of the human form, and it is for this reason we are being inundated with quantities of smooth and perfect body images punctuating our daily lives. This situation makes it imperative for women to question their own natural bodily beauty.

You will agree with me that there are only a few handfuls of the unedited images and pictures of women showing cellulite and stretch marks on social networks, even when shopping, on online stores, or when on the beach wearing bikinis.

But what is Cellulite?

Cellulite is an appearance of dimpled, uneven, lumpy flesh on the stomachs, buttocks, hips, and thighs, mostly found on women. It is caused by deposits of fats under the skin around the regions mentioned above.  Source.

However, it is estimated that 90% of women have cellulite. This normal phenomenon is simply due to the way fat cells are dispersed under the skin. Although cellulite is very common in virtually every mature woman, it is rarely displayed in public by those who are affected by it.

Below, I present to you some women who have changed the narrative by daring to display the parts of their bodies which is riddled with cellulite. And these women did so without any form of complexity!  


Ashley has always been a staunch defender of health at all sizes. She herself a great follower of sport, she stresses that cellulite has nothing to do with the number of sports we practice and our health, it is simply genetic. It is therefore better to accept it and move on with life the way we all should.

" I workout. I do my best to eat well. I love the skin I'm in. And I'm not ashamed of a few lumps, bumps or cellulite.. and you shouldn't be either." Said Ashley.

"love this post so much. Gives me confidence in myself after 3 babies and 2 saggy tits later!!"


Mallory is a fitness Instagrammer who tries to debunk the wrong beliefs about cellulite. She is against restrictive and dangerous diets and prefers to deliver the following message: love your body as it is, no matter the size, and rather learn to train for your health.

She wrote on one of her posts that "Friendly reminder that cellulite is alright ".


Ariella Nyssa is a Youtuber and Instagrammer from Sydney who poses proudly in a swimsuit, without retouching. She is a strong advocate of body positivity and has addressed many prejudices about cellulite through YouTube videos, including that it is a sign that a person is not healthy.

She wrote on her Instagram post that "Cellulite is CUTE and I don’t care who knows it"


The fitness world often gets a bad press when it comes to talking about inclusion and the anti-diet message. In a form considered exemplary by the whole of society, the athlete Hayley Madigan shows that even on muscular and thin bodies, cellulite is present.

"It took time, it took many ups and downs but what struck a chord with me was that I realized no one cares about the imperfections as much as I cared about them so why did I care about them so much?" She said.


The talented artist is proud of her body and with good reason! She doesn't give a damn about proponents of photoshopping and their comments to live her life as she pleases. She does not touch up her photos and even less her cellulite. She is ready to display it at all angles, corners, in water, and out of it.


Demi Lovato's journey of acceptance was, by her own admission, very long. In an Instagram post, she admitted to being shamed by her cellulite, but decided to show more of it in public. She is now on a path of true acceptance of her body and willing to embrace the changes that come with it naturally.

"This is my biggest fear. A photo of me in a bikini unedited. And guess what, it’s CELLULITE!!!! I’m just literally sooooo tired of being ashamed of my body, editing it (yes the other bikini pics were edited - and I hate that I did that but it’s the truth)" Said Demi.


As for Laura, her goal is to be the "Normalize normal", ordinary bodies with everything that makes them unique. Stretch marks, cellulite, bloating, love handles. All she cares about is to feel and see the natural transformation of her body without recourse to thinking about what people think or the usual crowd drift.

"NORMALIZE HUMAN BODY". is her goal she said.


I had wanted to place all their public images showing Cellulite, but this site is new to me and above all, there may be some legal issues I don't want to contend with.

Sincerely @izge.

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3 years ago
