Getting Back on Track this 2022 | Plan with Me - January

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2 years ago (Last updated: 1 year ago)

I always love the idea of starting over again and trying new things. In this article, you'll see how I used my dotted notebook for my bullet journal set up slash planner this year.

Bullet Journaling

Way back in high school, I hoard pretty notebooks that I seldom use. I know, I know. I'm quite obsessed with pretty things way back then. I learned my lesson. My schedule then was pretty hectic. Studying. Volunteering. Doing tasks as officer of an organization and as a class secretary. I started using those notebooks to jot down all the things I need to accomplish within the day. I didn't realize back then that what I'm doing was what they called bullet journaling.

Bullet journaling is a way of planning and journaling in one within the user's own control. Have you ever tried buying a dated planner and there's no blank page for you to customize it? Well, it happened to me a couple of times before.

I always wanted to check my progress on a certain subject so I wanted a tracker but the planner I bought has dates on it and there's no blank page for me to do the tracker. So, I bought a separate notebook. That made me want to customize my own planner.

Getting Back on Track this January 2022

I stopped doing bullet journals when I started working, to save time. Bullet journaling requires a lot of time, energy and creativity and that thought drained me. My job is demanding enough. I can't make time for this.

But here I am, making one once again. They say, things have their way of coming back. I guess, designing is one of the things I love doing. So here, I will show you my bullet journal for this month.

Plan with Me - January

If my energy permits me, I'll do a Plan with Me series. For now, just for the month of January and the thought of achieving great things.

Here are the things that you can see inside my bullet journal for January:

  • Cover Page

  • Mantra

  • Future Log

  • Birthday Log

  • Bucket list

  • Life Projects

  • Reading Tracker

  • To Check Out

  • January Calendar + Inspiring Quote

  • January Monthly Tracker

  • 1st Week of January spread

Cover Page


This is what my bullet journal this year looks like on the outside.

I used color green, purple and blue. Green and purple because they are the color of the year - who knows, this might give me luck this year.

I also included the quote 'Trust the magic of new beginnings' and 'good days ahead'. As much as possible, I want to look forward to better and brighter days this year. I put them in front for me to be reminded to continue looking forward. Inspired by one of my favorite animated movies - The Robinsons, keep moving forward.


This is also one of the sayings I live by, inspired by Mark Twain's words - explore, dream, discover. In twenty years time, we will regret the things, the chances we didn't take than the ones we did. This will be a reminder for me to never get tired of exploring, dreaming and discovering.

Future Log

This one is just an overview of what lies ahead. I will put here all the events I need to look forward to, like gatherings, graduation, or even just a day off! It's nice to have something to look forward to, y'know.

Future Log

Birthday Log

This one is really important to me. I hate forgetting birthdays but I'm getting older and I forget things already so I have to really write them down or else, I'll greet my loved ones a year later lol.

Bucket List - 22 in 2022

I will try to compress all my goals for this year, just 22 just for the sake of it haha! But really, limiting your goals is another way to be on track. The more specific they are, the easier for us to achieve them - but of course, we need hard work, patience and His guidance.

Life Projects

It's empty as of now, as you can see. I'm still thinking of the life projects I want to do this year. Last year I tried the one video a day and a sunset a day. This year, I might do them again but still looking for some new ideas for the other months. If you know some life projects, comment them down. I'd love to read some suggestions from you.

Reading Tracker

I promised myself to read more this year. I tried the 52 books challenge last year but I failed. I wasn't able to track my progress. This year, I'm motivated to do it again but this time, I will try my best to complete it. Do you also love reading? Suggest some good books!

To Check Out

Honestly speaking, shopee and online shopping comes to mind whenever I encounter this page. Mind you, To Check Out means the things I want to look and search for - like new movie titles, kdramas and books I wanted to know about before reading or watching.

January Calendar + Inspiring Quote

COFFEE! My bio says it all. I love and coffee loves me too! It's the front page of my January. My coffee is strong and so am I. Actually, I don't want my coffee to be that strong. I just want it warm and cozy.

Excuse my drawing of coffee - as you can see, I'm not that good at drawing, but I'm trying.

January Monthly Tracker

To track my progress (and failures), I decided to have a habit tracker. I put a lot of space for the things I want to track - making some noise, posting articles here, reading, laundry, exercising, listening to podcast and so much more.

This helps me to keep motivated despite the days I didn't do the tasks. A reminder that there will always be another day to do better.

What are the things you track?

First Week of January spread

Since it's the first week of January, I decided to show just this week's spread. I haven't designed it yet because I wanted to let the week goes by before putting the highlights though I already wrote the tasks I need to accomplish this week. Again, another reminder for me to keep going. Assurance. That's what I need.

So, that's it for this article. I do hope you enjoyed looking at my bullet journal. I'm glad I shared it here.

Let's continue to track our progress, even if we just accomplished just a small goal, let's celebrate it.

See you again on my next upload! Thanks for dropping by 🥰

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2 years ago (Last updated: 1 year ago)


Such a cute designs! I suggest the book "How to YOLO Wisely", "The Little Prince", "Becoming" by Michelle Obama. They are my faves! I read them in PDF form.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

I've read The Little Prince since it's a required reading when I was in college. I'll check out the other too 😊

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Sometimes its nice to have log at least you have a list of what task to accomplish. But due to invansion of technology sa cellphones or emails na lng ang notes

$ 0.01
2 years ago