Flex Your Multitasking Skills! 

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3 years ago
Own adaptation of a GIF from tenor.com

Growing up, I have always thought that I am a low-key embodiment of multitasking. This is not just because I habitually juggle chores at once. This is me telling the universe that people could look at me like I am the most passionately engaged person during a discussion, but truth is, my mind wanders a lot. You would find me nodding and responding to every detail you try to bring forth, come up with replies that are on point, at least in accordance with my level of understanding. Like hitting two birds with one stone; I am the stone hitting two tasks: the physical reality and my personal reveries.

But as a conscious being, I am typically bewitched by the magnificent episodes in my mind. I recognize the power of self-awareness but even though I am cognizant of such occurrence, I know I have to work it out. Why? Because along with this, there lies stumbling blocks.

I prefer to not engage myself too much of this specific aspect so allow me to recalibrate myself in 3…2…1. Let us discuss about multitasking instead!

When I was younger, I read an article that reasons out why the general public must not call an act of performing tasks simultaneously as ‘multitasking’ but rather ‘task switching’. I prefer the former as it is generally acknowledged in my locality. But here is one informative composition that may serve as your guidance: The True Cost of Multi-Tasking (Weinschenk, 2012; Psychology Today, 2021).

Additionally, allow me to introduce you to the American Psychological Association’s overview of multitasking research. As stated, here are three types of multitasking:

  • ‘Performing two tasks simultaneously’.

    I liken this to the notion of me listening to a zoom meeting while jotting down important notes.

  • ‘Switching from one task to another without completing the first task’.

    I think I usually switch tasks depending on the level of urgency. But as much as possible, I make sure to make a draft or a timetable first.

  • ‘Performing two or more tasks in rapid succession’.

    If I am not mistaken at all, I would relate this to some instances where I strive to finish a written task, listen to a news report, and peek at my record from time to time. Different subjects but I had to maneuver it because I have always thought that the hormones responsible of my circadian rhythm snatches my sense of focus at times when I only focus to one task. But this depends on my motivation.

Still reading in this part? Arigato! My main concern in writing this is the following:

When I was younger, I would juggle my studies while doing housework. Basically, the unspoken rule is you have to focus your mind where your body is. Early in the morning, I would run for household chores and do my class assignments because I have 8 to 9 subjects a day and expect that we will be having at least 3 to 4 quizzes and class presentations each day.

I could ace that! And I'm proud of myself. Why? Because now that I'm older, sometimes, I could not even breathe while living.

I miss that phase of my life. And I want to put an emphasis on it because life is full of wonderful metaphors and paradoxes.


Hey lovely readers! Sending my warmest regards. I hope you are all slaying there amid all the happenings around the world. Below are some of my articles here on read. cash:

Lead image: own adaptation from tenor.com


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3 years ago
