Let's write my diary. Day 44. Sublime Sunday.
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2 years ago
Like every Sunday I went to my church and much more being a special day. we ate the sacrament.
I am pleased to collaborate in the church with the preparations and serving God is very pleasing to me.
On the first Sunday of each month we fulfill the mandate that our Lord Jesus Christ left us: Do this in commemoration of me.
The men dress in avocado and tie and the women wear their best dress. The servants do it with our uniform: black pants or jeans and a blue blouse.
After delivering the elements to all the baptized, we go to the front to take the Holy Supper and pray.
I can say that every Sunday is sublime since I go to the church that I like and I can search for the word of God, many cannot.
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2 years ago
How I want to go to church every Sunday 💚💚