Let's write my diary. Day 43. Anniversary month.

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2 years ago

The Mizpah church celebrates its anniversary this month and some activities are being carried out to commemorate the 1st year.

Every Saturday we will have a different activity to share with all those attending the church.

Today we start with a nice activity called Manos Doradas, directed to the elderly of church age.

We begin by thanking God for the day and for allowing us to celebrate this little year that we have gathering together to seek God and for him to lead the event.

Then we began the activities which began with a small stretch of the body, many people at this age are very sedentary and we need to know how to do a little mobility to start the day, as far as possible, without body pain.

Then we watched a short video beam movie and one of the sisters shared her message with us. They offered a small snack and finally we distributed Tizana, a kind of drink with chopped fruit, they gave us a gift as a present and we gave away cookies.

The important thing about this activity was being able to share between brothers and have a pleasant time. Next week we will have an activity for the children of the church.

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2 years ago
