True Courage

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Avatar for instahesap
3 years ago
Topics: Commander, Sodier, Joke, Jokes, Life, ...

True Courage

The commander of the land forces called a soldier. Soldier
- He went to him saying "order commander".
His commander wanted him to lie down.

Later, he ordered a tank to pass over the soldier, and the soldier waited where he was lying without even moving his hair, and as you know, he was crushed. The commander turned to the others
- He said "Here is the courage."

The commander of the aviators summoned a soldier. Soldier again
- Saying "order commander", he went to his commander.

His commander ordered him to get on the helicopter. The soldier got into the helicopter and took off, then his commander ordered the soldier to jump down without a parachute, the soldier obeyed the order and jumped. He was crushed and died. The commander turns like the other
- He said "Here is the courage."

It's time for the sailor commander. The sailor called the commander soldier. He's at attention like a soldier knife and
- He said "order commander".

- He said immediately jump into the sea and do not surface for 10 minutes.
- He said "Come on".

The commander turned to the other commanders.
- "This is the real courage," he said.

Thank you for reading. 

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Avatar for instahesap
3 years ago
Topics: Commander, Sodier, Joke, Jokes, Life, ...


OMG! Only soldiers can. This is what is called real obedience.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yes, the soldiers and the chain of command ...

$ 0.00
3 years ago