Sunshine and Rainbows (untold)

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3 years ago

Note: This is the other part of Sunshine and Rainbows (short story). I advice you to read that first before reading this for better understanding of the story. Though, you can also read this without reading that. :)

Jerome’s POV

I work at Canada for a long time and finally, my contract is finished and I can go home now.

One Sunday, in our hometown, since I just got back, I decided to go to the church since it’s Sunday. And there, I didn’t know that I’ll meet the person that I’ll be with for the rest of my life.

She was the most beautiful girl that I have ever seen. And guilty as charged, I just can’t let my eyes off of her.

Next Sunday, I don’t know but I am so excited to go to the church again hoping that I could see her again. And thankfully, she’s there, on her usual space, being beautiful as always.

Her beauty captivates me. And I just love how she smiles at every people even though many are not giving back her smiles.

I said to myself that time, she’s not just pretty. She also is kind.

Since then, I always go to church, observing her from afar. But then, when I finally have enough courage to pull myself together and go talk to her, she just ignores me.

But I really like her so I tried harder. I keep on smiling at her, greeting her, and just trying to talk to her. Until some people from the church sees what I’m doing.

Instead of them, encouraging me to keep on talking to her, they warned me, telling me that she’s crazy because she have a bipolar disorder.

And from that moment, instead of stopping from talking to her, I became more persistent. Having a mental disorder is nothing. It does not define who she is and she deserves all the normal people deserve. She deserves to be happy, she deserves me, and she deserves more people on her side.


Finally, after months of trying to talk to her, she finally gave in. And as I get to know here, the more I like her.

She shares to me her pains, her worries, her insecurities, and her fears. And I must say, she really is scarred. She is carrying so much more than what she deserves and seeing her overcoming all of those, still standing strong after everything that she have experienced from her childhood until now, makes me admire her more because she is so strong and brave.

And day by day, every Sunday, as I get to know her more and more, I get to fell in love with her, deeper and deeper each day until I just can’t hide it anymore.

So I blurted out my feelings for her, out of the moment, while we were eating. And what hurts me is her reaction. She just laughs at me, and she tells me to stop kidding.

After my sudden confession, good thing she still go out with me but I can feel the awkwardness and her uneasiness. And I just can’t stand it anymore. So, I confess to her again, proving her how much I love her, gaining her trust, and promising to her all the good things in the world that she deserves.

Honestly, I tried hard for her not to notice that pursuing her is also hard for me. My journey pursuing her isn’t not so nice.

I feel like she don’t trust me no matter how I prove myself. And also, I feel like the world where we live in doesn’t want us to be together. My family and friends are against of her.

It hurts me actually. That my people, my family, don’t accept the woman I love and the woman I love won’t accept my love for her.

But I don’t give up. Despite all the discouragements, I’m glad I didn’t give up because my sacrifices and persistence pays off when she admits that she loves me too.

I was so surprised back then, when she suddenly cry out loud. But I was so happy when she admits that she also has feelings for me.

So, I courted her and eventually she became my girlfriend.

I was the happiest back them. And in our relationship, God knows how much I tried to keep her happy at all times.

Sometimes, we argue. It was hard for me because it sometimes came out of nowhere because of her disorder. She picks up a fight suddenly. She became angry suddenly. Her emotions changes so instantly that sometimes, it is so hard for me to keep up.

But her disorder is just part of her that I already accepted the moment I knew about it so I just keep going. I endured it all because the tiredness and exhaustion that I got on dealing with her is just not worth comparing to my overflowing love for her.

Our relationship as boyfriend-girlfriend was so wonderful and I just couldn’t wait to take it to another level.

I have been preparing for this for months now. I made every preparation to make everything perfect.

I properly asked my parents to have a permission to get married. I also asked her parents for her hand in marriage.

Both my family and her family have some objections at first. But then, I prove myself. I have proven to them that my intentions are true. That I love her so much and that no matter what situation we’ll face. No matter how hard it is, I won’t give her up. So in the end, I got their permission.

So, at a very special day, such a wonderful day for couples because it’s Valentine’s Day. I finally decided to ask her to take our relationship in the next level.

I asked her to marry me, and she said yes.

At Valentine’s Day, I was the happiest. And on that very day, I promised to myself, that I would do everything in my power just so she can keep those wonderful smiles of her that I always and will always love.

I know that this is just the beginning. Our marriage is just the beginning. But I ought to keep her for the rest of my life and there is no amount of hardship and challenges will make me give her up.

I vow to protect her and to continue to make her believe that a world where sunshine and rainbows actually exists.

She deserves all the happiness in the world and as long as I’m with her, I’ll make sure that she will have that happiness that she always deserves.

I love her, always and forever.

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$ 13.27 from @TheRandomRewarder
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3 years ago


Naalala ko dati kung ilang oras ang sinayang ko para sa wattpad tapos narealized ko na di talaga yon para sa akin. Wala akong tiyagang magsulat ng english na ganyan. Ganda po ng story, malinaw at concise. Belated valentines kahit wala po kami non hahahaha

$ 0.00
3 years ago

8 years nako nagwawattpad! hahaha tho puro basa lang. Never ko tinry magsulat ng story. Hanggang narration lang na ganito tapos maikli lang haha. Thank you sa pagbabasa!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Luh bhie I'm willing to be Melissa the second na talaga if ever! Hahaha anyways nice visit from rusty!🤭

$ 0.00
3 years ago

story mo ata to bhie. hindi ka nga ba si melissa bhie?

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Buwahahhahaa buset ka talaga let kelan😹😹 nakss tologo nabisita ni bot achhk💚💚💚

$ 0.00
3 years ago

antamis rusty

$ 0.00
3 years ago

nice reading your stories

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank you! :)

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Awww. I didn't know you write stories din pala. 😊 This is something that I can't write about talaga.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

It's actually my first time, just for the sake of valentines haha. But I always have the idea, I just don't have the time or i'm probably too lazy about it.

$ 0.00
3 years ago