Sunshine and Rainbows (short story)

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3 years ago

Lizzy’s POV

I am broken. Literally and mentally.

Since I was a kid, I already accepted that no man can love me the same way those leading man in the movies and novels love their woman.

I am not thinking negatively here. It is because I am sick. People say I’m crazy. Well, I guess it’s true. Because I have a bipolar disorder. How lucky I am to inherit this sickness from my family.

Ever since I was a kid, I have to deal with this disorder. The parents on my neighborhood don’t even let their children my age to play with me because as they say, I am crazy.

So I really don’t have friends growing up.

On high school, I experienced being bullied. My parents kept saying to me that I am normal, that I can be normal so they enrolled me into a public school because they think it’s a good idea and it will be a good opportunity for me to gain some friends.

But I don’t. Instead, they always make fun of me. Specially my emotions because it can change so instantly.

On college, I finally gained some friends! For some reason, people are befriending me and I am just so happy about it that I don’t doubt their intentions with me and just make myself attached to them.

But then, the sad part is I thought I finally have friends, but no. I still don’t have friends. Having the bipolar disorder gives me the tendency to just spend and spend. And I have found out that the people whom I treat friends, just talk to me for money.

I haven’t noticed it at first that every time we go eat outside, it Is always me that is paying for everyone. They also manipulated me and me, afraid to lose my friends just do as they say.

But I still lose them, the moment that I lose my money.

I know what I am saying here is very dramatic. But this is my sad reality. Ever since I was a child, I know that no one will like me.

I have my previous relationship in the past but they all get tired from me. It’s either they want me for my money, or they want me for my body. But after they get what they want, they all leave me. And I totally understand it. Because who would want to affiliate themselves on a crazy person like me, anyway?

This is really sad but this is my reality. And I have long accepted everything about it, that my world, is not a world where sunshine and rainbows exist. It's all darkness.

But the attention I got form Jerome, my church mate, ruined it all.

Believe me, I tried to stop myself and I tried harder to stop him, but he is so persistent.

At first, I don’t believe him. I don’t believe anything he says because him, liking me is just impossible when he can clearly find someone who is better than me in all aspects. Specially someone that won’t literally drive him crazy.

I see him every Sunday only and for months, I am always avoiding him.

But just like what I said, he really is persistent because he never gave up just to talk to me. So, after months, I finally had the guts to talk to him.

We became friends. In him, I have found a true friend. He’s a real gentleman and a very patient man. He gets my mood and knowing my condition didn’t scare him.

Every Sunday, we hang out together because I really enjoy spending time with him.

One Sunday, while we were eating on our favorite restaurant, I don’t know how to respond when he suddenly confess to me saying that he likes me, romantically.

Honestly, I think I already have feelings for him but I don’t want to cross the line. In my whole life, he is the first friend I got that genuinely cares about me. And I don’t want to lose him.

And maybe another factor that keeps my tongue from saying the I also like him is my fear and the scars I get from my previous relationships. What we already have is something that is so wonderful and precious to me that I don’t want to risk it.

So that time, I decided to just laugh at what he said, telling him to stop saying silly things.

I tried so hard to ease the awkwardness between us whenever we will see each other again but just like what I already said, he is really so persistent and that’s just one of his amazing characters that I really like about him.

He continue to pursue me and he keeps me on proving to me that he really loves me and he promised me that he won’t hurt me.

Me, being not able to contain my emotions burst out crying and confessing my feelings for him.

To cut the story short, he continue to court me then we became together.

Tonight, as we celebrate the Valentine’s Day as a couple, he have brought me again to another level of happiness as he ask my hand in marriage.

Of course, I said YES! Because even though I’m crazy, I am still in my right mind to spend the rest of my lifetime with him.

And I know, deep inside me, that I will never regret this choice that I make.

Everyday, I thank God for bringing Jerome to my life. I am so thankful that Jerome was able to pull me up from my misery, and I am grateful that he let me experience the world, his world, where there is sunshine and rainbow.


This is my first time writing a story so forgive me if you will found this so corny. FYI, this story is based on the love story of a friend of mine who actually have a bipolar disorder (minus all the super drama parts of course). They just got engaged recently and I am just so happy for them that's why I really did try hard in writing this one.

Thank you for reading this article! Happy Valentines Day! :)

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Avatar for immaryandmerry
3 years ago


This is nice. We all deserve to be courted, to be tolerated, to be persisted with and most of all to be loved, flaws and all.

It's not true love if the other person can't embrace all the things that others may call bad along with the pleasant things you could offer.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

aww. hey, thanks so much for dropping by in here. :)

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Dropping by? What do you mean? I'll be a regular here. You'll always see me pop in wherever. I'm weird like that. LOL

$ 0.02
3 years ago

that would be nice then. see you everywhere hahaha

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yeeeep yeep! I'll be here, there and everywhere. Haha the sparks of passion for writing within me slowly lights up. Thanks to people like you that I share the same passion with.

$ 0.02
3 years ago

Woooh sana all haha parang gusto ko nalang din maging melissa th second😝😝😝

$ 0.00
3 years ago

hahdaghsadhha malala ka pa ata kay melissa ih

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Grabe yaarnsss 😹😹😹

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3 years ago


$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank you so much! :)

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3 years ago