Point of Views

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Point of view is also known as the perspective of someone that is narrating the story. In the academe, we were taught about the 3 kinds of point of view which are the first person, second person, and the third person point of view.

In stories, like novels, the writer sometimes narrates his story using third person point of view but in most stories that I've read, the author usually uses first person and second person point of view.

You must be wondering why am I talking about point of view here.

So, just like on stories, where the writer is presenting us different point of views of his characters. It is also important for us to know and to hear both sides of the story.

This may sound cliche but I will still say it that there is always two sides of the story. And both sides deserves to be heard.

Things might be different when we look at another perspective. And it so important to see different perspectives of the story so that we may solve the puzzle, analyze the situation, so that in the end, we will have a fair judgment.

This article's purpose is just me, reminding everyone how important it is to always look at different perspectives. To look at the both side of the story and to hear everyone's point of view.

Hearing just one side of the story makes you close minded. It can cloud your judgement, and it will make you seem like you are not open for comments and suggestions.

Minding just your own side of the story makes you a person that is full of pride and I honestly think that not listening to others just make a person so childish.

I mean, how hard could it be to listen to others? I don't think it's that hard. What I think is that pride is the one that is stopping us to hear others.

But even though we think we are right, it is still important to hear others.

Every situation, every story, have different sides. And if all of those sides aren't heard, we are not getting the real truth from it.

Let us not be biased on our judgments. Let us not use our families, friends or our loved once become hindrance for us to make fair judgments.

We all have our voices. And these voices deserves to be heard. So let us make sure to make some time for ourselves to listen to others.

It is not always about picking sides. It is always much better to be in the middle. To be the third person where you'll be able to listen to the first and second person. Assess the situation, and make a fair and better judgment.

I also think that not listening to others or not trying to look at different angle or perspective contributes to the unfairness, injustice and negativity of this world.

It is unfair for people that we are depriving to use their voices because their opinions wasn't heard.

It doesn't give justice because most people only listens to those that have power. That have a reputation, not minding that people that doesn't have power also have voices and they also have their own stories to tell.

It is a must that whenever we look at things, we should have a clear perspective. By having a clear perspective we can have the ability to see the good and bad and to see the good in bad. It lessens the negativity because through looking thoroughly at things, we may realize how negative things happen for a purpose. We can realize that negative results can be turn into positive ones if we were only look a little closer.

Listening to both sides can also reduce chaos. Sometimes, situations become chaotic because we failed to listen to others, believe only in ourselves so the misunderstanding becomes bigger and bigger.

Listening to every point of views there is can results to many positive things. All we have to do is take a little time to listen. To clear our perspective so that we can have an unbiased judgment. These are just simple actions but sadly, I think it is so simple that most of us forgets to do it.

So this article, as to what I've said earlier, is a reminder. I just want to remind all of you that will be able to read this article, to not let our judgment be clouded just because we failed to do a simple thing and that thing is to listen to others.

With that, as I end this article, I urge you to have the third person point of view. So that you'll be able to see and heard both sides of the story and if you do that, I trust that you will have a fair and better judgment that can result in reducing conflicts and resolving chaos.

Never pick sides. Be the mediator.

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Evwry point of view has different purposes and use it all efficiently to made good decision.

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3 years ago

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Mahalaga ang inyong tinig upang higit na mapahusay ang kaillidad ng aming paglilingkod


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3 years ago

awit sa QPS hahahhaha

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Hahshshshshs narelate ko ih

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