We should live life with a positive mindset

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2 years ago

It's quite depressing. You know. To live life. With today's hypes and all. We sometimes can't focus on what's worthy to be done for ourselves. Sometimes, we forget that life is a gift to be lived. We let the negative things get the best of us.

But we shouldn't sulk. We should forget negative pasts, and forgive ourselves as well as people. We should live our lives positively. We should live life on the optimistic side.

When we focus on the positive side, tendency is we will have a healthy heart. And a healthy heart will help us maintain a healthy body.

Regardless of our circumstances, when we live life positively, we will reap the rewards of being on the plus side.

I remember the times in my earlier tertiary years. I was very cynic. I was good in school, praised by my peers but I was very cynic. I was 'dark.' Sometimes, literally. The clothes that I have worn those times were of black and red almost always.

Sometimes, I would meet some elders and they would comment and advise me not to wear all black combination. Shoes, shirt, pants, even undies, they were all black or red.

The dark life was not one to brag about even though, those times, I was able to nerd myself off and solve those complex calculus problems.

But still, being on the dark side has a lot of negative effects.

One thing I experienced was being the least favorite by many of my classmates. They may befriend me at first due to my seemingly warm aura, but in time they will see how moody I am and they will realize I just want to be alone and they will be hurt and try to confront me. If not, they will be gone forever from my life.

I had a crush on one of the boys in the class of my block section. He was always trying to copy my assessment answers to which I allowed some items to be copied. But then he never returned my feelings. It was hurtful.

But maybe, I was just not his type. But still I was happy he saw me as an intellectual. If only I just taught him and not let him copy my answers.

I was so negative that I always had a problem with group activities.

Maybe the only good thing of being always worried was that I was almost never late going to school. And tried to passed my requirements on time. Save maybe those times something happened, but that would be another chapter to tell.

Anyway, during the higher years, I moved on to the dormitory of my school so that I would get away as far as possible from my elder sister. Because she was also a negatron.

At the dorm, the room I was given was a room full of unusually happy people. I was in some way irritated by their being very jolly people.

But days passed, weeks, then months then I found myself one of them. I left my nerdy self, tried to wear some colorful clothes, and watched my first K-drama.

It was fantastic. Aside from their being jolly people, they always wore positive minds and they would often laugh and joke about each other's things. They were sports to make it remarkable.

Maybe, I was one moody person for them, a negative one, and easily piqued. But I was transformed, thanks to them and a part of my mind which was open during that time. After all, I wasn't very close-minded.

I allowed myself to be reformed and I am enjoying the things I have to enjoy everytime I shift gear, from my negative side of self to my positive side of self. And it's worth noting, I do not have black or red shirt. I came to love orange and peach.

Just to be honest, gazillions of times, I retreated to my shell and resorted to my negativities. But time and again, I would realize its danger and resume my new found positivity.

Just to be clear, being a positive person does not mean a happy-go-lucky one. It is just a kind of mindset that we always anticipate nice outcomes and we hope for better times.

When we shift our gear to positivity, tendency is that we will also uplift others. So it would be quite contagious. Well, we just have to not overdo showing our positivity. Hehe. Just because, like with me before, I was sort of irritated by overly positive people.

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2 years ago
