Love the body that houses the soul

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1 year ago

It's embarrassing to admit. But before, I've always complained about my thickly callused feet. And more ugliness in my body.

I thought I was just an unlucky one for not being graced with a better skin type or feet.

I also felt helpless about my excessive sweating and my seemingly uncontrollable weight gain.

I thought again. There must be something that I could do to beautify this body of mine.

Well, it is not to say that I am ugly but I was just being too concerned about my negative attributes.

In all honesty, my feet have had a deep impact on my self-esteem. Also my sweating and overweight body.

One day, I just felt over-enthusiastic scrubbing my feet with a bath towel. I did it over and over.

The next time I took a bath, I repeated what I did previously. Voila! My callused feet were becoming whiter. Haha!

I felt joyous, of course. I told you it was embarrassing. Having to bear such problem for a very long time then.

The thing though was that I wasn't too happy still because of the sweat problem.

I have read that coffee and other caffeinated beverages would contribute to sweating so I stopped taking coffee.

Sadly, it didn't alleviate my sweat problem.

My weight gain. Oh... How I feel so perenially helpless about this thing! Every time, I would feel impatient about losing weight.

Suddenly, I just felt too tired of complaining! I gave up and just told myself that I can just be beautiful the best way I can. Who says I can't be?

At least my feet are looking good now. What more should I ask? Right?

With regards to my sweat, it is genetic. My brother suggested that I also take sage tree plant as it was the doctor's suggestion to him.

We have the same case with my brother. I still haven't tried the sage plant though.

Good thing my older sister had the initiative to plant the sage tree in their yard after getting some from our brother.

I can just try to take that anytime I plan to start. We are hoping it will do a miracle for our sweat problems.

Going back to my weight, what is my problem? Tell me? I am alive and well despite having some problems down there.

My weight shouldn't be a problem at all! I can just exercise. And eat healthily. I want to scold my ass for simply sitting most of the time.

If there is a will, as they say, there is a way...

I used to be slim during my adolescent years until my early adulthood.

But it is different now that I have entered the sedentary lifestyle. I have a sedentary job and I can't just play running games with kids in the neighborhood which might make me lose weight. Silly!

So I really needed to make effort for goodness' sake.

And yes, I will be visiting the doctor for my check-up any day next week.

The moral lesson I got from all these anxieties and woes is that the best we can do is to love the body that houses our soul.

If we do such a thing, we could do so much more for ourselves than we can imagine.

Right now, I am looking at my feet and I feel very amused.

After all that I have done, from foot spa to consultations, all there was that should have been done from the very start was to scrub them using our abundantly so many bath towels.

So long, callused feet. Perhaps I will never see you again?

I diligently apply petroleum jelly at night. I am still unsure if my feet are already callus-free but I am just satisfied with how they look now. Teehee!

I have a body. A complete one at that! I may be a little sick on some parts but aren't doctors there for healing patients?

Again, when we do love the body that houses the soul, we do things that make us the best we can be.

Photo credits to Unsplash

Grateful soul in here. Thank you! Thank you.

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$ 4.02 from @TheRandomRewarder
Avatar for ideallife
1 year ago
