Learning to keep it exact

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2 years ago

So someone asked me, is it true that my data is this?

I checked records for a few moments. I then confirmed it was just right.

Under usual circumstances, I would have sweet-talked the person into accepting things just so I would make him or her feel better.

But learning from the past, it would be now best for me to refrain from filtering things out.

Let it be. Salty if salty, sweet if sweet, bland if bland, spicy if spicy. No need to try sugar coating and the like.

It is to be candid for once and to let silence do its job sometimes.

Instead of trying to calm people, let them also accept their circumstances and the truth will eventually free them.

This will need training but I need to learn it. It will save time and I don't have to keep with lies even if they are just white lies.

It is then imperative to renew my understanding of what is and what is not. For me to have a more solid defense.

Think of it as buying at a grocery store. You can't give more amount than the price. Except when you are giving tips. Likewise, you can't take more than your exact change. Maybe only a negligible amount would do.

I now believe it is better to give out accurate statements or verified ones than to assume and mindlessly distort details.

It also applies to love relationships. You should only express love to someone you are passionate about.

It will save you from unhappy marriages and wrong commitments.

Being with someone you have chemistry with is so much healthier than being with someone that someone else has chosen for you.

But of course, we don't simply rely on chemistry. But at least you shouldn't also just choose someone like your spouse for the sake of having someone. You may just focus on other things first if you have no one right now.

It saves you from undue sentiments and lamentations.

So let us learn to be exact.

$ 3.58
$ 3.58 from @TheRandomRewarder
Avatar for ideallife
2 years ago
