It is common sense to be good to others

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2 years ago

And when we act nice towards others, there's that instant good karma that happens. They become good to us and we won't feel guilty about anything towards them at all.

When we are honest and earnest and have good intentions always, when we are in need, we aren't judges with I'll regards from others.

It is therefore a common sense to try to be always good towards others. In our speech, in our actions, in all our deeds.

My dear brothers and sisters, I am not here to preach. Rather, I am just laying out gems that you may want to pick for your own good.

Up to us, not only you, to make effort to catch some. Or you may simply regard this as a ploy to catch your eyes. But no.

You know what I like about being good and selfless is that I am not guilty without any reason. When I do bad, I feel guilty for some reason.

That's why it's really a common sense to try to be always good. Otherwise there will always be that unusual feelings of guilt when we become indifferent.

Sometimes, it is hard to be good. Especially when people are trying to provoke us. But when we make effort, it will be worth it in the long run.

We are peace lovers no matter what race we belong to, no matter what our color is. So even if originally we are freaks, when we get tamed, we see the difference of before and after.

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