A day longer than a day

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1 year ago

I came to understand daytime as something which is not night. Like how a child sees it, I believed the day is part of the cycle when the sun is up in the sky.

Of course before, like anybody else, I thought that the world is flat. I didn't even know that the sun isn't moving.

It was until elementary that I came to learn that the world is round.

But what I would like to ask you is that, why does a day in an adult life different from that of a child?

The sun went down many hours ago yet I am still up fixing things up and rushing chores.

Maybe, I would like how it was before when I would sleep so early in the evening and meet the dawn with coffee and yawn.


My day today is longer than a day. Even after learning in math that x is equal to x and that x is not longer than x.

Scratch that. It is stressing me even more thinking about x and x and the logic behind math.

I am lucky that my bleeding stopped. After using the antibacterial feminine wash, I felt the relief and the bleeding was gone.

Still, this day is way too long for me. It seemed like I had two days combined in a day.

And right now, I still have the juice to write it out. Oh, c'mon, self.

I guess it is time to sleep and rest the body to avoid complaining again about this and that.

$ 3.56
$ 3.56 from @TheRandomRewarder
