Memorial Day Honors Deterans

It was a warm, sunny holiday in Sheepshead Bay. On Emmons Avenue, Godfrey walked by one busy restaurant after another, except for one that was completely empty. Godfrey shook his head. How frustrated the owner must feel to see customers enjoying themselves on both sides of his restaurant, but not one customer in his own restaurant. As Godfrey continued walking east, a teenage boy skateboarded up to him and stopped.

He said, "Mister, is today a holiday for living soldiers or dead ones? Tell my sister, please." He handed Godfrey his mobile phone. Godfrey said, "Hello. Memorial Day is for all our soldiers killed in all our wars. If those million brave soldiers hadn't died, you'd both be in school today." She said, "Really? Well, I'm sure glad they did. I hate school!" Godfrey handed the phone back to the boy, who said, "See? I told you!" and skated off.

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@hossain7 posted 3 years ago
