what read.cash can learn from steemit and youtube

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4 years ago

Pay peanut get peanut

how you pay the content creators will affect the type of content they create as well. If you pay peanut, don't expect salmon in return.

The reality of creating content

Let's face the truth, not all good content can do with low cost. How do we judge the content value? For me, a good content is the one that brings people to the site.

See that RM1000 banknote? even at face value is 250USD. Thank god, I was able to lend from a dealer to do this video. Doing this channel does not come cheap.

The steemit/Hive reward system

After you create a post, it will be allowed to receive upvote for 7 days. After 7 days, whatever value that post gain will be payable to your account and will no longer receive any reward.

The 7 days payout is not easy. If you are covering a subject that is not everyone cups of tea like me in numismatic, it will be risky especially if your content involves a cost to create. It is like gambling in an unfavorable position by going all in.

Some people say I did not engage much at steemit but it did not help much in gaining me much upvote. I use to engage a lot but let's face it. People want to watch for free rather than paying anything or giving me an upvote.

The youtube reward system based on view

youtube ads revenue type based on view is suitable for content that can survive the test of time.
steemit 7-day payout is only suitable for a viral post or short term value post. In the end, steemit or hive ended up fill with things nobody wants to read.

this video I show you for example continues to generate money since 2017. 

youtube is not perfect but at least it makes everyone who watches its content pay. 

The earning from youtube might be very little but if you are doing a video that will continue to have people watch it in the future . You will eventually cover your cost or even profit from it.

At steemit, don't expect your video to get promoted if you have no whale to back you up. At least youtube promote your video, not like all this whale in steemit who write a few words then get high upvote by upvoting themselves. we the real content creator work hard creating content only to get peanut in the end.

I think read.cash point system that gives point based on view will be the very thing that will make it competitive in attracting true content creators.

$ 0.06
$ 0.06 from @Telesfor
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Avatar for hooiyewlim
4 years ago


The point system of read.cah is not only based on views, but is much more extensive. https://read.cash/@Read.Cash/the-point-system-fa56be9b

$ 0.00
4 years ago

i know, for me, it is that part that makes me want to continue to write here.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I think you can increase the number of views if you put links to your articles and publish read.cash-only.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Read.cash points system is awesome compared to what you get on similar sites and its going to get better

$ 0.00
4 years ago