Understand why Russia take action.

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2 years ago
Topics: Life, Facts, Story, Experiences, Russia, ...

Disclaimer: I don't side any side, I am just trying to make sense of everything.

Reading so many people condemning Russia but everyone seems to never try to understand Russia's view.
Ukraine is more like a Buffer zone for Russia between NATO and Russia.
The only weakness in the Russian border is the west side, the south and east side have a natural defensive landscape. All successful invasions into Russia in the past were always from the west due to the open field in the west.
Russia will always watch what is going on on the west side as it is their most vulnerable.
As long as the Ukraine government is not pro-Russia or at least neutral, Russia will not feel safe.
Volgograd formerly known as Stalingrad is an important industrial city that is just 1-day travel from Ukraine.
Today only small arms aid for Ukraine, what happens if battle tanks aid for Ukraine a few months from now?
President Biden could have at least agreed to never let Ukraine join NATO and stop supplying them small arms to avoid this.
What do you expect Russia to do when one of its buffer zones might turn into a NATO or under America's influence?
Russia is cleaning up its backyard.
I am sorry if it sounds harsh, but this is the reality of life.

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2 years ago
Topics: Life, Facts, Story, Experiences, Russia, ...
