In this article, I would like to introduce you to your ability to create vision. Somehow most of us know this but very few of us really do. When you learn to use this ability effectively, you will meet the power that will change your whole life from beginning to end.
Lost in Wonderland, Alice asked the Cheshire Cat: "Which way should I go?"
Cheshire Cat: "The answer to the question depends on where you want to go"
Alice: “I don't really care where I go. I just need to get somewhere"
Cheshire Cat: “Then it doesn't matter what direction you are going. If you walk long enough, you will get somewhere"
Remember this well-known text by Alice in Wonderland? Almost many people live like Alice. There is no way they are going in life. They don't know what direction to go because they hardly think about what they want their life to look like. Maybe they don't know that they can use their vision skills to direct life.
Setting a vision is a human special ability. Of all living things, we only have the ability to create a vision to create the life we imagine. The future is an endless sea of possibilities. Man creates his future by choosing the best experiences for himself among these endless possibilities thanks to his ability to see.
Everything that is real today was a dream someday. All the great works that we admire today, such as the Eiffel tower, were an image in the minds of the people who created it before they came true. One vision brought tens, hundreds of people together to make it happen. Einstein's world-changing inventions were just a dream in Einstein's mind long before we heard of them. At the end of long hours of work, it turned into flesh and bone. A baby was created in the mother's mind long before it fell into the womb, then reached human form by feeding and growing for months. The Internet was created because it can be thought. Long before that, it was an elusive and pale vision. Today, thanks to the internet, I can meet my readers who are miles away from me. Before this article reached you, it was an idea in my mind. If I had not been in front of this computer and put it down on paper, we would not have been able to meet you at this magnificent moment. Everything true today was born out of a vision.
A well-defined vision is your roadmap. Can't we just not create it? Sure, but then we wouldn't have had our unique life experience properly. The only way our true potential can be unleashed is to realize only the visions that will emerge from us. Are you aware that everyone has a dream, but very few people can make their dreams come true. This is because very few people follow their vision.
A vision is rude as it first comes to mind, it needs to be thought through and defined by us over and over. A well-defined vision is a roadmap. Thus, we know where we are going and can run the universe in the direction we want to go.
Like all talents, our visionary ability needs to be improved with practice. To create the life we dream of, we must learn to choose and manipulate the right vision like a designer. Just days before entering the new year, this period, in which we talk about our dreams and future plans, offers a great practical opportunity to improve our vision.
I'm holding a Creation Workshop this weekend. On the first day of the workshop, we will talk about why we cannot create and then decipher the formula for creation. On the second day, we will create a vision board together. Anyone who wants to live a more creative life can participate. If you wish, you can read the introduction text below for more detailed information and contact me.
Everyone can create the life he dreams, of course, if you know how to do it, I prepared a three-day compact but very effective workshop. My dream is more people to learn the nature of the creation and living the unique. Everyone wouldn't be great to have your dream?
I will pass through a very important point on creation in this workshop. We will understand what is not working by deciphering the formula of the creation. We will learn how to follow what we have dreamed in in a pleasant and inspiration chat environment. We will prepare our creation boards for the new year and we will comprehend why the creation board is so important and necessary.
My vision is to go abroad to higher study. I wanna read more and more. Please pray for me.