Christians: Impossible to reject

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Avatar for heartbeat1515
11 months ago
Topics: Life, Blog, Writing, Blogging, Personal, ...

The kindness of a friend makes me happy. Sometimes I feel guilty about being cared for since I don't have much to give in return.

I kept working on my little crochet business but it has been slowing down a bit for now since I am busy completing my office unfinished task. I need to complete everything by the end of this week.

Since the business is a bit down, I am grateful. for this friend who always buys me food and helps me with a few more things that I need. I don't know the reason for me to deserve that kindness and it felt a bit scary.

Scared of losing this friend, scared of being too dependent.

I have been living without my husband for more than a year now and this friend reminds me a lot of my husband. My husband used to be as kind as this friend and yet he lost it all to his selfish desire.

I still think that it is all because of my incompetence, weakness, and imperfections as his wife. If I was a good wife, perhaps he did not choose the road he is on right now.

Coming back to the friend I was saying at the beginning, I thought this friend had stopped being too kind when I asked for and yet, yesterday I got lunch again. I was planning to do some intermittent fasting while I do not have much budget to spend on extra food but then God does not seem to allow it since God gave me this wonderful friend.

Thinking back as I am writing this blog. It must be for a reason. What will the reason be? I guess I just need to keep living to find the answer someday.

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$ 0.01 from @TheRandomRewarder
Avatar for heartbeat1515
11 months ago
Topics: Life, Blog, Writing, Blogging, Personal, ...


what took all those foolish people so long to finally want it? It’s about time the wall is going to be finished and after it is all the 5 million foreign invaders that Bidunce let come into the US need to be found and deported ASAP. . Detail Here————————————>>>

$ 0.00
11 months ago

Good morning Mamsh!

It's nice to know and to have a friend who is there who always helps us.

Do not blame yourself on what your husband did. His sin is his sin and not yours to be blamed.

Always choose the right path for the glory of God. God bless you sis

$ 0.00
11 months ago

Thank you. God bless you too. I am really happy to have a friend in need also.

$ 0.00
11 months ago