Morning scene of the village

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The village is a great place to live. Once you live in the city, you will suffer from a big disease. The city is not a good place to live. The city is for work and the village is for living. When I go to town, I come back home very quickly after work. The city is just a whirlwind of dust. There is no fresh air in the city, and if you come to the village you will realize how is fresh the village. The village has open air, the village has a beautiful view of nature. In the village you will find everything fresh. You go to the village market and buy all the vegetables fresh.

The people of the village all cultivate their own paddy and collect their food with their cultivated paddy. Because rice is made from rice, And rice is cooked with rice. And we eat rice three times a day. Bengali's cannot live without eating rice three times a day. I will show you some scenes from the village.

I go to different places in the village in the morning. Furthermore, I went to the paddy field this morning and everyone started planting seeds to cultivate paddy. And the seedlings have already sprouted from their seeds. And the seedlings look very green, the rice seedlings look very green, the rice seedlings look very beautiful. Many more have set up their own land to cultivate paddy. Everyone's land is plotted, so everyone's land is made like a narrow road with soil.

I was feeling the rice seedlings in my hand, the seedlings are very fresh and green. The greener you look, the better your eyesight will be. And on winter days, the dew was on the seedlings. And the water of the land is very cold.

Almost everyone has planted paddy seeds to cultivate paddy in their land. And after a while paddy cultivation will start. Everyone will water their land first, then soften the soil with a tractor, and then the soil will become muddy. And then the farmers will plant these seedlings. And for three months the farmers will take care of the land and the crop will ripen, and then everyone will cut the crop and take it home.

Many have planted paddy seedlings in their lands, and as a result of lack of water in their lands, they are irrigating the lands through irrigation from other lands. However, I did not cultivate paddy, because these works are very difficult. Farmers work hard, but they do not get a fair price for their labor. So farmers need to pay our price. I have taken all the landscapes together. The green fields look so beautiful. So everyone come to the village and enjoy the beautiful view.

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Your village is so beautiful, but I don't think I'll want to leave my city to leave in my village

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2 years ago