We all have to act. If it's a particularly good decision, you need to make a decision quickly and change it slowly. Behavior is a reality that we need to have more, especially if it is appropriate, rational, and fair.
Acting on "head, tail, coin toss instinct" or blind intuition is not the best way of life. However, it is always realistic and rational to act swiftly based on a well-thought-out plan. The most ideal action is thought out slowly, but in every respect, it is rational and quick.
If you read Napoleon Hill's book "Think and Grow Rich" carefully and comprehensively, the most effective examples of this book start with Thomas Edison's assistant Edwin C. Burnes and the author's son. You can see that I follow my rules. Napoleon Hill, Napoleon Blair Duck, his obstacles, and how to overcome them. So it's, so I can honestly mean it. The more rational and honest you make your decisions, the better, more efficient, and realistic your decisions will be. The lights in your head turn on when you can make better decisions and think more efficiently, realistically, reasonably, and faster. Ironically, you don't even have to rely on the blind "throwing head or tail" intuition to "think" for you.
The better the rational process, the better the life in that sense. When these rational thoughts and action processes are strong, happiness has little to do with successful outcomes. It's a process, and you're not lucky enough to get it. As Susan Boyle plugged in as a singer for years before being given the "Big Break", or even if it came in a seemingly unexpected way, she took advantage of the opportunity when it was presented. I was able to do it.
Expected Yes or Expected No. We must be ready to take reasonable and realistic actions, whether it is in the form we expect or not. Reality is won by those who seize the opportunity, not those who rely solely on luck, intuition, and intuition. Life is not a random game of dice, but a game of skills, seizing opportunities, and reality is like a game of poker. We cannot act according to appearance, we need to orient ourselves by what we really want and what we want, or as Wallace Delois Wattles said: we develop a sense of power I have to let you because without this consciousness we are happy with the weak and mediocre and I think we couldn't do better, Therefore, you must be an opportunist to get what we really want, either by expectation, yes, or expectation, no,
Napoleon Hill is hell of. Great 👍 writer and have read some of his books: think and grow rich & The laws of attraction. And I could pretty much say it have all the information one requested of suck book 📖.
Great post by the way