Let's do Manicure and Pedicure at home
Hi, my read.cash family. It’s my first ever post here and I hope that we all will get along well. There is a long way to go for me, but I hope that I will not be alone and that all of you will assist me through thick and thin. I am not much aware of this platform yet, except that I can get to freelance here. I can share my thoughts and experiences here in the form of articles. I am sure I will learn all other features with the passage of time and with your support.
As a newbie, I was wondering what to write here first? Then I thought why not something that will help others as well. So today I am going to share an easy way to do manicure and pedicure at home, with very simple items that are available in every household. Believe me, this post is not only for girls but for guys as well. Rather, I must say this post is more for guys. Because girls don’t do the hard works that usually boys do which makes their hands and feet quite rough and scaly. Besides, boys spend much of their time outdoors which results in tanning. So, they need to take care of their hands and feet more than girls.
Besides, nowadays although the weather is not dry here in my region, still I don’t know why my hands and feet are getting extremely dry and patchy. This is not happening to me only but to my other family members as well. It might be because of lack of rain or something. Anyways whatever the reason is, I have a solution for this, so I really don’t worry about it.
We must always opt for the things that are good quality, economical and easy. Therefore, I am going to share a very easy and economical manicure pedicure process with you all. As for the results, I am sure after trying it for the first time you will come running and tell me how awesome the results have come. This is something that my mother is using since she was a young girl and now, she has passed on this amazing procedure with me as well, that I plan on sharing with my daughters and today of course with you guys as well. Because you too are my family now.
So, without any further delay let us begin.
First, take a bucket filled half so that you can easily dip your hands and feet in lukewarm water. Make sure you don’t use cold or extremely hot water or else you may end up damaging your skin.
Then add some shampoo in it that you use on regular basis at home for washing hair, a little bit of apple cider vinegar, some lemon juice, and some salt.
Mix all these ingredients well in Lukewarm water and once they are mixed thoroughly, now it is time to dip your hands and feet in the water.
Take an old, discarded toothbrush that you no longer use and start cleaning your hand and feet nails with it. It will remove the pale spots that are formed on the sides of the nails.
Take out all the dirt around and under the nails using a filer. Keep on rinsing your feet with your hands.
Try to focus on those areas more which are scalier and tanner.
Repeat this process for 15 to 20 minutes and then wash off your hands with simple Lukewarm water.
Pat your hands and feet dry. Then apply any good moisturizer. The moisturizer that I use on daily basis is Neutrogena and Cetaphil. Although they are a bit expensive but do wonders.
Repeat this manicure and pedicure once every week and I guarantee you that you won’t need to spend your money in expensive salons. I hope you guys liked my post and I will wait anxiously for your feedback.
Have a good day.
Everything written in this article is my own. The entire article is checked by Grammarly for mistakes and errors.
Lead image is taken from Unsplash.