Always eat good Food

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2 years ago

Every Humans need food for survival, even other living things depends on food and water for survival. That means tomhat food and water is very important to man and that without it, man may not survive for a long time. Studies even revealed that while man may go some days without food, he may not last without water. Hence water and food is indispensable to humans as long as he lives. Apart from the fact that we need food and water to survive, there are also some other good functions of food. And that is why it is essential to eat good foods always for optimal health and well being. Even at times, some people especially in Africa don't care about what they eat. They only eat what they see available. Foods are in different varieties and also serves different functions. Some food helps us to gain more strength, some food helps us to grow and develop bodily. There are many other functions of food.

Till date, the only profession that endures the continuous existence of food products is Agriculture. If a nation does not embrace agriculture, many people will go hungry eventually. The outcome of not embracing agriculture will have many bad implications of which famine is inclusive. Either at commercial or subsistence level, agriculture has been a major provider of foods for people and the society at large. You will agree with me that a country that embraces agriculture never go out of food. Agriculture is a lucrative profession that serves generations. Many countries of today are known for their agricultural prowess. Some countries don't have first class machineries or invention to exchange in the world market, only agricultural products serve as their products of trade in the international market.

One popular axiom says, "We are what we eat". This shows that our health or well being depends on our diet,what we eat and take as food. One of the ways to keep away from sickness is through the consumption of fruits. Fruits like Apples helps to ward or fight off diseases in the body. If we eat good foods, we will be healthy and good. Bad diets constitute yo different problems in the body. Sometimes obesity is causes by consumption of junks food which affects a body in a negative way. Food is so much important that it cannot be overemphasized. Even for pregnant women, there are some categories of food needed for them to take and there are some kinds of food that may not be beneficial to them. A pregnant women needs balanced diet for herself and her unborn baby too.

Do you know what balanced diet constitutes? We have carbohydrates, protein, fats and oil, mineral salt, vitamins and water. The latter is essential to humans as water has many functions in the body. Water aids digestion and ensures food intake doesn't seem stressful. Even you need water to cook your meal. Water is life and we cannot survive without drinking water. It's important to stay hydrated always to prevent oxygen loss or asphyxiation.

Carbohydrates and fats are important for energy. Foods that comes under these classes of food like cereal, rice, yam, bread. etc help in giving energy to the consumer. You can't possibly go through the rigours of daily activities without having energy. We need energy to do our daily chores and all that.

Other classes of food have their distinctive functions too. Foods like beans, milk, meat comes under protein helps to build the body and helps to develop the body. Vitamins also helps the body and tissues in the body. Taking vitamins also helps to avoid many diseases from entering our body. To eat in a good way, it's important to acknowledge all these classes of food when preparing what to eat. Eat in the right proportion and according to your needs. Always eat the right food. It pays a lot.

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Avatar for goodtidings
2 years ago


Food is essential and we can't just do without it. I devote myself to eating good food to keep myself healthy always

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Eating good food helps us grow and ensures we are healthy too.

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2 years ago