Again in first grade/Ponovo u prvom razredu

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3 years ago

Hi guys. It wasn't long before me, and a lot of things have happened since then. This most recent one is that I brought out another generation of children and I am with the champions again.

As every time, when I take the champions, we prepare for the event, for the decoration of the classrooms, for the decoration of the school hall and, of course, we prepare gifts for the little smart heads. Since I already mentioned that I make glycerin soaps, I decided to make these little students happy with soaps. I bought molds in the shape of cars, butterflies, cakes, cakes, flowers, and the smell of soap is strawberry, orange, chocolate, vanilla, mango, pineapple ... Everything that children love.

My colleague and I asked the director to get us hats. Each department has a different cap color. My color is yellow.

In addition to all this, I made them a welcome letter and a message on their hearts. I made the billboard look like butterflies and flowers coming out of the book.

To tell you the truth, the children were overjoyed. They were also happy with the gifts, and they immediately accepted me.

Together, we have entered a new era in their lives, when they need to learn to read, write and count.


Pozdrav drugari. Nije me bilo dugo, a mnogo stvari se od tada izdešavalo. Ova najskorija, je da sam izvela još jednu generaciju dečice i opet sam sa prvacima.

Kao i svaki put, kada uzimam prvake, pripremamo se i za priredbu, za uređenje učionica, za uređenje školskog hola i naravno, spremamo poklone za male pametne glavice. Pošto sam već pominjala da pravim sapune od glicerina, rešila sam da ove male učenike obradujem sa sapunima. Kupila sam kalupe u obliku autića, leptira, kolača, tortica, cveća , a miris sapuna je jagoda, narandza, čokolada, vanila, mango, ananas....Sve ono što deca vole. Od direktorke smo koleginice i ja tražile da nam nabavi kačkete . Svako odeljenje ima drugu boju kaćketa. Moja boja je žuta.

Pored svega ovoga, napravila sam im pismo dobrodošlice i poruke na srcima. Pano sam napravila da izgleda kao da iz knjige izlaze leptiri i cveće.

Iskreno da vam kažem, deca su bila presrećna. Obradovali su se i poklonima , a i mene su odmah prihvatili.

Zajedničkim snagama smo zakoračili u novo doba njihovog života, kada treba da nauče da čitaju, pišu , računaju.

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Written by
3 years ago


Great story. I like it.

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3 years ago

vrlo, vrlo lepo. I moja mlađacurica je 1. razred očekujemo post na primer o seminaru #digitalni svet 1 koji je bio preko zuova.

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3 years ago