What do you do when there is pain on your back?

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3 years ago

What do you do when you feel pain?

What do you do when you have pain? Do you go immediately and take a pain reliever or do you go to the doctor's office?

What should be done in the first instance is to find out the cause of the pain and then proceed to calm it, which you will only know if you go to the doctor.

If it’s a pain in the back that is reflected in the abdominal area you should find out where specifically the pain is, if it can be found that is, after specifying the place where it comes from you then determine how frequent the pain is, how intense and the type of pain.

Frequency refers to how and when we feel that pain, if it’s a pain that begins and then ends only to start again or if it’s a constant pain that does not subside. In that case it’s known as a “colicky pain.”

The type of pain consists of specifying how the pain feels, a burning sensation or a stabbing one, maybe it’s more like a squeezing pain, a feeling of tightness.

All of this is important when visiting the doctor, as this makes the diagnosis of the pathology that is causing pain easier.

For example: if you have a pain in the back that is colicky, that is, comes and goes, it doesn’t subside when you change the position of your body, we have a kidney pain.

Now, if the pain is similar to the previous one but when you change to a different position the pain calms then we can affirm that we are facing pain in the spine due to lumbar trauma.

There are other details that the doctor will ask about and will serve as a complement to the ones before to facilitate a good diagnosis.

Of course, when it comes to the diseases of a patient, two similar things will not necessarily get the same diagnosis.

After determining what type of pain is causing the problem, we can prepare to give pain relievers.

This is an example of the pain in the back that is the most typical in patients in daily emergency rooms.


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$ 0.12 from @TheRandomRewarder
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3 years ago


Great article

$ 0.00
3 years ago

This good and helpful

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Doctors here will not easily help you if it comes to such a small thing. By now I know what causes it and I rarely take painkillers since they do not help.

I try different positions and the hot water bag plus avoid carrying, lifting, stretching and wait till it's "over".

$ 0.00
3 years ago

It is different here. Consultations in the emergency are full of little pains. And they didn't even try to find out why or how the pain happened. If there are doctors in the emergency, why should they worry about that?

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Really? Here they tell you, you are not welcome and stay home or take a paracetamol. 8f you got the flue, a painful throat, earpain or whatever you can ask the drugstore. The doctors keep telling us they are busy. Most of them do only work for 4 half days a week. They work in groups and share the same building and assistant.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Here we have different hierarchies of levels of care. Medical outpatient clinics that work 24 hours a day in towns and cities. hospitals, usually one in small towns and several in larger towns. The thing is that you can go with an earache, toothache, stomach pain due to menstruation and it does not matter if the doctor does not rest throughout the day. This patient may arrive at midnight and we must wake up from a short rest to attend to an earache. Someone who could not go to the hospital on the day and waits for midnight to go. Something unusual but that's the way it is in my country.

$ 0.01
3 years ago

This is so interesting! where are you located in the weorld?

$ 0.00
3 years ago

At least it worked that way before the pandemic. I think that now some changes must occur. This is how our health system worked.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I understand. Here all care is the same and all hospitals are turned into private businesses. They need to make money. Care is not what they care about at the first place. No privileges unless you are rich and famous I guess.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Among all the bad things, I believe that care in both private and public hospitals function as doctors in the same way.

In one we work only for the money that the government pays us and in the other we work as doctors paid by the clinic center that hires us.

In the end we are the same doctors attending with the same training that our medical school gives us.

$ 0.00
3 years ago