No sé cómo pudiste hacerme esto, después de todo insististe en que me uniera a ti. Fuiste tú quien estuvo detrás de mí durante tanto tiempo esperando que dijera que sí y luego te cansaste. ¿Por mí? Sí, puedes decir que yo soy la causa, pero lo que hiciste fue lo peor que un hombre puede hacer una mujer, no te agradezco por nada de eso.
Has permanecido en mis pensamientos como un hombre maravilloso en muchos sentidos… pero la forma en que me dejaste no fue la correcta. Tanto es así que te odié, durante muchos años te odié. Hoy recuerdo tanto los buenos como los malos tiempos y una lágrima sigue saliendo por el rabillo del ojo.
Dondequiera que esté, solo puedo desearte lo mejor. Ojalá hayas tenido una buena vida, a pesar de que hiciste de la mía un tormento.
No fuiste mi primer amor, y hubiera querido que fueras el último, pero dejaste en mí un corazón dolorido. Quizás amargado, porque no me importaba el dolor de otra persona sino el mío. Porque me dejaste un gran vacío en mi vida, un mar de recuerdos que nunca pude borrar y un sinfín de sensaciones que nunca pude calmar.
Yo era todo para ti, eso es lo que me dijiste. Apagué tu sed de vida. Yo era tu copa de vino cuando trataste de afrontar la vida. Fui el mejor regalo de tu vida.
Yo era muy joven cuando te conocí. Mi grupo de amigos te aceptó de inmediato y me sugirieron que aceptara salir en grupo para disfrutar de la cálida noche. Después de tanta insistencia accedí a salir con todos, pero siempre encontrabas un momento para escabullirte y venir a mí con tus amables propuestas.
Rechacé tus ofrendas de amor tanto como pude. Mi corazón se cerró para vivir una nueva experiencia de amor, la última me dejó con el corazón herido y el deseo de no volver a empezar nunca más.
Todos notaron tu insistencia y poco a poco entraste en mi corazón. Hasta el punto de que un buen día acepté tu promesa de amor.
They were months of going through happy moments and sad moments, but all overcome by the strength of love. We never argued so much that we spent a day apart and angry, it was always solved in the best way, but it was always on your part, I would go crazy with my inner rages and I didn't want to hear from you. But you insisted and talked to me. Your loving reasoning would bring me back into myself and I fell back into your charming company.
Years went by but I still couldn't decide to make a more stable relationship. I always made excuses for the commitment of marriage.
But destiny has lives written in its pages and my life was written in painful facts for me.
I had to return home, everything was wrong there and I had to give my support, I had to choose quickly because it was life or death.
He was behind me he too. He could not stay without me and he decided to make his life again, but this time close to me. It was a few days of much effort on my part to get the family through the terrible news of the illness of someone very special.
But I changed, I dedicated myself to my family and not to him. Things were now more difficult for me, I could not lead a double life until everything was settled in my family.
He didn’t wait for me. Now we were in a different environment, he chose one of my coworkers and decided to put an end to us and everything went out of control. From one day to the next he no longer wanted my presence in his life and told me he would choose someone else to make him happy and so I set him free.
After my family got over the bad health they were going through. I went back to my old life but now my heart was broken, he was never there for me anymore.
On one occasion I sought him out to talk about what happened and he just told me that I should go on my way and just forget about it. Nothing would ever be the same as before and he felt very good about what he had now.
What could I do, I loved him and I set him free, my heart broke into a thousand pieces a second time.
My mind flashed back to those days when he cried for me to decide to be his partner and then I asked myself... "And what was that? Why couldn't he wait for me? Why did he give up so easily? All that fight he kept for so long to get my love and then after he got it, he decided to leave.
He couldn't stand my life with my family and it was so easy to look for another love.
Life gives us surprises, now I am 30 years old, I have two big dissapointments in love and the thought that I will never be able to give my heart to anyone. Tears and demonstrations of love don't matter, because everything is circumstantial.”
This story is taken from a love story of someone I knew many years ago. I had not seen her again for many years and I found her through the internet, very close to where I live. She was alone so we met and talked. She told me everything she experienced, she did not forget him and he quickly started a family and never took a step back.
Aunque recordamos ahora las cosas que nos sucedieron en el pasado, estas experiencias marcan nuestra vida. Yo estaba involucrado en ese amor al principio, era parte del grupo de amigos que insistían en que ella lo aceptara y nunca imaginé que el amor terminaría alguna vez.
Nada debe darse por sentado. Todo cambia rápidamente. La vida continúa incluso si estás solo.
Gracias a todos mis buenos lectores y patrocinadores… y muchas gracias a @Mictorrani y @Infinity por renovar sus patrocinios. Y a @JonicaBradley les estoy muy agradecido por anunciar su patrocinio.
Que despistado soy jajaja, no me habia fijado que era de Venezuela tambien. Me alegre tanto cuando vi su post en español, si me parecio raro que el anterior que habia leido comentaba sobre la falta de efectivo en los bancos y problemas con la gasolina jajaja, pense ¿donde sera esto? Que tenga buenas noches y espero de todo corazón que se mejore pronto.