My beautiful pet turtle.

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3 years ago

I had a pet turtle, her name was Tronkin (which was short for Treetrunks, Tronquitos in spanish). My son and I gave it that name after a mutual agreement.

She was a very naughty turtle. She arrived at our house as a gift from a friend, she brought Tronkin for my son. It was barely a week old and already totally independent.

She could eat leaves and drink water on her own. My son always took care of her, he took her for walks in the garden, because she was very small and we couldn't keep her out there all the time. She arrived on a shoebox, where she spend her first weeks growing. She always made sounds in the box every morning, as if saying "Hey, it's morning, let me out of here!" I always took her out of the box and put her on our porch. Everything is closed but there is a lot of fresh air.

Once she had outgrown her shoebox she would live on the porch. Because I was afraid of the street cats at night I prefered to have her inside, but it turns out that the cats didn't even notice her.

Every month it was special to be with her. I took many photos of her, with her. It's the only thing I have left of her... On many occasions while taking photos of my plants, she and my cat accompanied me. She went on his long walks looking for leaves or whatever else it is she found in the garden.

Sometimes she would elude us and walk inside, she would end up under my son's computer, I always left her there. She would fall asleep in whatever hole she found, my son would take it out while she was still sleeping and put her outside.

But she would also escape from the porch and into the garden... where she would spend three or five days without showing up, until one day that is; She was only 5 months old and ran away into the garden, I looked for her but I couldn't find her. I waited many days until I finally lost hope.

It hurts me a lot to not know what happened to her... Did she go out into the streets? Did a cat hurt her? Or another animal that hurt her? I don't know! I cry inside whenever I think about her. My restless turtle got away and I have no idea what happened to her. It's sad... it's a very thing sad for us.

$ 0.32
$ 0.32 from @TheRandomRewarder
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3 years ago


Oh no... I remember her!! She ran away? That is so sad. She is so cute. Hopefully she will come back one day.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yes, he escaped. We never saw her again. My son wants to think that he will return. How good to read you again! Don't go away for so long, always write something, I need to read something written by you. You can do it?

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank you @gertu <3 I will try dear. Your words are motivating me :) My mind has been blank for many days :( I have typed a few drafts of 1 paragraphs as draft but somehow I couldn't continue.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

You can write about anything. Are your plants okay or are any of them drying out or rotting? Did you make a good recipe or did something go wrong? post it. your crafts that are better or worse? How was your day? this confinement, what do you think? Write about what you live day to day, everything you can think of, I support you.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Awww.. thank you dear <3 <3 <3 They are in my head. I have taken photos of some recipes and have some thoughts in mind. The problem is typing them out. My heart left a bit, especially when I read how scammers are being rewarded and short posts and posts that do not make sense. I think it is coming back slowly. I will remember your kind words @gertu13 <3

$ 0.00
3 years ago

That is what happens when we begin to decipher the world around us. Friend, there is no justice in the world, but you make a difference if you wish. It doesn't bother me that the bad guys win, because they always win, until their time comes.

I only came here to write and I do what I can to win. I have a dollar a day. I keep writing about everything I can think of and I like it. But I also like to comment on the posts of people I know, and I make long and numerous comments. Please go ahead! Join me! Do not look at the garbage around you and look at the little beauty of those who appreciate you.

$ 0.02
3 years ago

Ahh you had a turtle too ;;-;; i think someone took that away because they don't die that easily and they live pretty long to have been harmed that fast by another creature

$ 0.00
3 years ago

In fact, I want to think that someone took it. It hurts me a lot to believe that some animal has hurt her.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

It's a better thought than anything, really since it could mean that she could be cared for by that same person

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Exactly, because if the turtle is so small, I don't think they will do anything else to it. But if you can give it to another child to have with him or her.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Hi @gertu13 and I also had a turtle and the same thing happened to me, I don't know if someone saw it and took it or it just ran away. Greetings

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Oh, but it's very sad not knowing what happened to him. I'd rather have someone find it than think that a cat or rat ate it.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

oh she is very cute.

$ 0.00
3 years ago