Cactus flowers.

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4 years ago

Today I'm showing you a cactus with flowers, I know that a lot of people don't get to see some cacti when they bloom.

The first cactus I want to show you is this succulent, Its scientific name is Stapelia Gigantea.

It's a succulent and its genus is Stapelia and its species Gigantea.

It comes from Africa.

It's a plant with a thick, green stem, with four sides and wavy edges.

It doesn't tolerate direct exposure to the sun. Its substrate is the same as that of cacti and succulents, with good drainage and little humidity.

The reproduction of this plant is facilitated through the children or small stems of the plant. So long as they're in the same conditions as the mother plant.

Its flowers are very large, larger than the plant itself, reaching more than 40 cm. Although its appearance is very pleasant to the eye due to its colors, the smell it has is not pleasant... It smells like carrion, like a dead animal.

It's a good idea to place this plant in an open environment so that the smell does not disturb your surroundings.


This succulent is very similar to the previous one, the difference is that the stem is not made up of four sides, it's cylindrical and covered with applications that look like thorns.

Its color is light green and when their stems reproduce and grow they have to bend down due to weight. That's why they can be seen in hanging baskets.

They reproduce through stems of the same plant and placed in suitable soil, with good substrate and drainage, you'll have a new plant.

The flower is this small, with a deep red center and star-shaped tips.

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4 years ago


I guess you only showed the smelly flower? I wonder why it smells that way. I assume it is a way to protect itself.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I didn't realize it smelled bad until I read it. So I got as close as I could and didn't smell anything. but another day if I could smell but it was not very strong. seems to use its scent to catch flies. but I don't know why, she doesn't close the leaves to catch them.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

They are pretty. I have not seen these cactuses before and their flowers look very much like the giant Rafflesia. The Rafflesia is also known to have a smell.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Maybe they are families. I do not know that species. I don't have it among my own. THERE ARE OTHERS THAT FLOWER BUT I don't have them on hand on another occasion I publish them.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

So these were the ones you said were yet to bloom earlier? The first bloomed one is very pretty to me

$ 0.00
4 years ago

No, dear, these are not the ones I told you, they are not. These bloom for me every year. I have more than 100 cacti, grown by me. But I have like 30 species between them. I still do not bloom many.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

You have so many cacti- you're a plant mom OnO Then the ones you've told me before are among the ones you still haven't gotten to bloom yet?

$ 0.00
4 years ago

That is exactly what I wanted to tell you. I know the cacti you saw can bloom, but not mine. I do everything, I even place them near flowering cacti, and these cacti are not stimulated by anything. It will be for other occasions ... patience.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I never had an idea of that flower from the first one. Maybe its one of its weapon to protect itself from its enemies aside from the spikes. ☺️

$ 0.00
4 years ago

This flower, mine, doesn't even catch flies, so I don't know why it uses its bad smell. The second flower is very small and I don't know if it smells anything.

$ 0.00
4 years ago