If you eat healthy every day and Do sports every day Enjoy sunshine every day You do not need any overweight doctor To tell you how to be healthy Or any medicine.

And you are not scared of a virtual virus.

Do you plan to learn new things some day Or do you learn every day?

Do you plan to eat more healthy Ordo you eat healthy all day?

Do you plan to do sports Or do you do sports every day?

Today is sunday. My lazy day. Of course I go for a walk because it’s stupid to not walk for a day. I ate a lot last night and all the nutrients want to be moved all over the body to recover and grow faster.

Did i walk more than you? Then you should be honest to yours yourself and catch up.

Look at the people who are less sporty than you. Do they look better or more sick every day?

You are the average of the 5 people who are closest to you.

I watched spiderman at night. I keep seeing all the propaganda they use in hollywood.

Why are all superheroes white? Except of “hancock” who is an alcoholic.

Jesus was brown/black. Why is jesus mostly presented as a white? Propaganda. And you support this racism by tolerating.

In the evening I walked up to the castle to see the sunset but didn’t go up. Although the road was closed (due to too much pollution) it was full of cars. I haven’t seen so many cars there ever. Maybe there was an event.

Shame on you that you are using your cars all the time. Shame on you that you are too lazy to walk up the small mountain and prefer to pollute the air of our mother earth. Shame on you that your lazyness makes the planet a worse place for all other humans and yourself, of course.

Did you join my blackout sunday? Set a reminder in your calender. Once a week maybe sunday at noon time switch of all electronic devices, stop any consumption go for a walk with your neighbor and enjoy nature.

If we all do it a lot will change. If I just do it alone while you consume and pollute our planet our children will not have a clean place to live.

People keep asking for solutions but if you tell them they don’t follow.

Sheeple want other people to change while they keep self destructive behavior and destroy our mother nature.

Wake them up or give your love and attention to somebody who is worth it.

I broke up with my family because they refuse to eat healthy, do sports, get a doctor’s certificate to jot wear a mask. They refuse anything which would lead to a better world.

But I’ll also chill now. I guess those sheeple have to die first in the war against the richest 1% and governments and with their suicidal behavior of taking vaccines they are on the best way.

Get vaxxed faster and more often. Ask for a 4th dose if you already survived 3 or maybe they’ll give you 2 at once.

You are the pollution of our planet

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@germangenius posted 2 years ago
