The revival of my photography hobby

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Avatar for friendlymoose
3 years ago

I’ve been passionate about photography for a long time. I was born in the era of the analog photography but ever since the digital camera’s came and I bought my first digital camera it really took off. 

When showing my holiday pictures I received a lot of positive reactions which made me even more enthusiastic and inspired me to take even better photographs. 

I started making more photographs and reading about different techniques and compositions. I got better and upgraded my gear over the years. 

I’ve shot thousands of photos on the different wonderful holiday trips my wife and I made. 

And then we got kids. And as the parents among us might know; they set your life upside down. Don’t get me wrong; they are one of the best things that have ever happened to me, but when you have kids you also get other priorities. And photography wasn’t one of the highest back then. When I shot photos, my kids were mostly the subject. 

Also on holidays the big camera bag didn’t always come with me and the rest of the family wasn’t always patient when I wanted to take photographs.

When my Nikon D80 DSLR broke down I even switched to a smaller and more handy mirrorless camera; my current Canon M50.


And then Covid-19 came around the corner and the country was in a lockdown. All the sports stopped and I had to work mostly from home. The days were getting boring since there was not a lot we were allowed to do.

Luckily we could go outside, so just like a lot of people I started going for a walk every day. 

When walking around in the neighborhood I discovered a lot of nice places. And when you’re walking you have the time to look around. While walking I spotted a lot of nice things and started taking pictures with my phone to share with my colleagues and friends. Later on started taking Canon M50 with me.
My passion for photography revived...


At the same time I discovered the Hive blockchain. Hive is  a blogging platform based on the Hive blockchain. It’s a fork of the Steem blockchain. I found out this platform had several communities about photography. 

I joined a couple of them and started posting my photos there. I was thrilled by the fact that I was actually earning some money with my photography hobby and also received positive feedback from fellow photographers.


It was on Hive where I discovered about Noise.Cash back in December 2020. This platform had just started and was hyped on Hive. When I finally managed to create an account I started posting on there. 

Soon I found out that my photography posts were appreciated the most. The number of subscribers grew quite fast. 

Noise.Cash is a great place for photographers and people that like photography. There are a lot of wonderful photographers on Noise.Cash.

Because of this I decided to start a photography contest. Because of the enthusiastic responses I received I kept on organising this. I’ve actually started round #28 today.

Check the contest here:

If you want to follow me on Noise.Cash; here’s my profile: 


I’ve seen quite some posts on Noise.Cash referring to Read.Cash. Since I already post on Hive I actually never looked into it. At first I wanted to claim my name since I didn’t want anyone to claim it. 

But when I successfully registered my account I decided to try it out and posted an introduction blog. 

I discovered that Read.Cash has more possibilities to create elaborate posts. I want to find out if there is an interest in photography related posts on here as well. 

So if you do, be sure to subscribe….

FriendlyMoose © 

$ 0.30
$ 0.10 from @Crackers
$ 0.10 from @D.B.Cooper
$ 0.05 from @JLoberiza
+ 1
Avatar for friendlymoose
3 years ago


I'm one of your avid follower in Noise. I also joined Hive through your link. But I'm not active there yet.

$ 0.00
3 years ago