Put your tin foil hut. It is time for a conspiracy theory.

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2 years ago

Thanks to new developments in the Bitcoin Cash community, now we have further information that, at this point, is old news already. What is not old news is what such findings reveal once you start to read between the lines and try to understand what is going on that we don't know yet but is about to be revealed.

Thanks to Kim DotCom, we know it is public knowledge; watch his interview if you haven't that Bitcoin Core BTC has been trying to please bankers so that they never ask the government for regulations. They have concluded that we, the regular people, won't rescue the Bitcoin project from a hostile attack by a foreign entity. And so that to protect Bitcoin, they had to look more attractive to banks and their owners, they had to make Bitcoin less attractive as a peer to peer currency so that banks would not feel threatened by it and demand regulation so that they the banks don't go out of business.

But it took them more than three years to reveal such important detail, even before I knew of Bitcoin Cash and the site like noise and read cash. I was always met with a straightforward solution, complete censorship, that censorship is what finally made me look for an answer on my own. At some point, I even thought that the censorship was a little too planned. Now I know my senses were not lying to me. Now my guts are telling me that even something greater is behind the scenes.

All of this has a lot to do with money, power, and control of you and your family, and I could say even your rights, let me dive in.

It could be that Core supporters are telling the truth and that what they told us is the truth, and that is what they think is the reality of the Bitcoin project, but what if it is not? That will mean that they are not trying to give the BTC project to banks. Still, they are either sympathizers or agents of the government working as private individuals. Still, they are indeed working for the government to bring the project down.

As government sympathizers trying to please the government and its institution, those supporters will be naive because the government will never accept something like that. They have the power to print money. Why would they give that away for something that can't be printed like the US dollar? Even if you force everybody to use custodian services, the 21 million supply cap will always hunt governments, and I don't think governments will accept some limitations in their ability to print currency. It is just not their interest.

I believe more likely than not, and those so-called experts, administrators, and mods are just agents from the first day, if you consider that people like me and Roger Ver were censored only means these people don't believe in the same values as we crypto believers, that is the first clue, that those mods/experts are censors that infiltrated the Bitcoin project successfully. The fact that they were and are using censorship so that people don't speak up is proof those people have no principles or that work for an entity that doesn't respect human values, like the right to free speech, many people in government don't care about your rights because they believe they are the government so that it will be the same for those at the Core project as well. The use of censorship on a project that is supposed to be about decentralization and censorship resistance tells me the project has been taken over by third-party agencies that want the project dead on its track before it is too big.

Rich people almost all the time allied themselves with the government because they don't want to lose their wealth by being part of the wrong group of people, so rich people will abandon the project at the first sign of trouble, that will also put that narrative out of the question, rich people will protect that which has worked for them for years not something new, like cryptocurrencies, they will invest, but they will not put their money in the line if shit hits the fan, primarily when the current system benefits them the most, why would rich people want to rock the boat that is working fine for them. By to way, even during on inflation crisis, the rich always managed to get their wealth out before everyone else, so they don't need Bitcoin for that because they get the line before is news, so they get plenty of time to get out before any crisis, they get a tip for their friends and allies at the government.

So that could mean Bitcoin Core BTC has successfully been taken over by government agents that seek the destruction or at least a slow down of the project before the government can create regulations that could make the whole thing worthless. If that is the case, that will mean Bitcoin Cash indeed is the spirit of the real peer-to-peer currency envisioned by Satoshi Nakamoto.

Bitcoin Cash has been hated since day one. One of those reasons could be that we are considered a threat by central planners and every government institution because we seek to have a peer to peer currency where if in case your fiat money becomes worthless, you can use something else, which will mean you will escape any government trap in your capital. The fact that BCH is trying to be peer to peer after losing 99% of its value only means we are the actual project and doing something very right or wrong at the same time.

Back to the conspiracy.....

If you have noticed hedge funds attack companies by shorting their stocks and driving them to bankruptcy, and when they can win the game, they rid the game in their favor, the clear example of that was GME. I think that Bitcoin Cash, since it has a core of followers who are very well educated on their investment, the only way to bring the project down will be to deprive it of investment money; you do that by shorting it to the ground and, unfortunately for us, we don't have a data to see how much shorting has been going on since the first day BCH started trading.

Governments can force an exchange to be short the currency market if they claim national security; under federal security laws, they can move trades to short BCH and falsify the market data. We will not know that because they are also forbidden from speaking up about it. We know Core sympathizes with governments; we don't know how that sympathizing goes. In the beginning, I was suspicious. Now, I am even more suspicious because I know that the US government can act in just that way and do what I just described. That is attacking a project by price to the downside; it can also happen to the upside.

On the upside, governments need to push money into the exchanges and by the asset directly or through their own companies. Yes, the US government has used company names to act on its behalf in other holdings than crypto and not related to crypto. Hence, they pump the price and make the transactions higher than ever to the point that the average person can't afford the transaction fee. At the moment, they collapse the price, which will put even more transactions at a higher cost to the point that people can't get out in time. They end up losing their money because they burn their money in transaction fees or decide to sell at a loss, since BTC brings up and down the whole market if the Bitcoin market is attacked this way, all the other currencies will suffer as well, to the point that people who lost money demand a solution from the government. I called this the medusa attack; you freeze the network by making transactions expensive. Once people have lost their money, they, the regular person, will demand a solution that could bring very draconian laws or outright banning, that will be the hummer. Medusa converted people into stone, and once you are a stone, you are easily breakable with a regular hummer.

If my conspiracy is correct, we could start to see some things going around, but the only way to fight this will be to believe in the actual Bitcoin project that now is Bitcoin Cash and buy as much as you could on the spot and save it. If you play leverage trading, you are playing on their playground, and the people who have more money than you will always win, so you better buy Spot. And if possible, use 2% for use and replace purposes; you must also spread the word about the new findings that the community has made over the years.

But one thing is sure Bitcoin BCH works as the real deal and as a peer-to-peer currency, and because of that store of value, you should expect more attacks coming to this project, some attacks will be carried covertly, and some will be opened. But I think that Bitcoin Cash is on the verge of becoming something big, the fact that Core supporters reveal such important detail means that something even more significant is behind the scenes, but we just don't know just yet.

Governments worldwide are printing money like no tomorrow, and some are even going digital like China. Once you have a digital fiat, you can make sure whatever freedom you had before is now gone. Bitcoin Cash is a currency for the poor and rich and, as such, is a threat for the banking system and their allies, the governments, and you should expect even more drastic responses than just saying Core has government sympathizers.

If fiat currencies start to fail and people look for alternatives in the crypto world, you can be assured that we will resist. You also should know that metals were confiscated before. So it will happen again; anything in physical form can be seized. You should also expect capital controls in a country near you, if not in your own country. When the whole system collapses, you will need to hold your private keys. Otherwise, you risk that your coins get confiscated.

In the case of a fiat collapse, the government will seek that which still has value and that the government doesn't have; if cryptos become that valuable thing, governments will desire it to confiscate, I have warned people before about this, remove your coins from wallets like crypto.com, Nexo, coinbase custody, Gemini custody, and many others. In a collapse crisis, it will be every man for himself, and those with your money will run away with your money. Since they already control it, they may have it. And if the government mandates that banks and custodian services give your coins out, guess what they will comply no question ask and throw you under the bus.

I think this article of nonsense has been long enough. Suppose you like my content. Please, like, and follow. I will try to write even more content in the future. If nothing else, this has been a total fantasy dreamy world of conspiracies that are not and will not be accurate and that I wrote a very long time ago, and it seems it is still applicable to current conditions.

$ 9.31
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2 years ago


Everyday bring a lot of new thing's in Bitcoin Cash cryptocurrency and new opportunity always with us just we pick-up those Things And i really big fan of your observations creativity and interesting things that you share with us I really happy and I always be here to read you're article

$ 0.01
2 years ago