The Concept of Fortune telling and Fortune telling on the Curiosity of the Future

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2 years ago

The curiosity of the future from the past to the present has always managed to attract the attention of mankind. Where will I be 5 years from today? Who will be in my life in 10 years? How many more years will I live? Is my economic situation better than today? Will it be bad? Who will I marry? How many children will I have? These and similar questions have always bothered us.

This curiosity about the future in us has turned into a profit sector by smarter people. Fortune telling, witchcraft are some of the ways put forward by some who claim to see the future.

Fortune is divided into many categories in itself. There are those who claim to read coffee fortune, paper fortune, tarot, horoscope, palmistry, even tea fortune. Today, fortune telling, which has an important place in human life, has become almost indispensable in social life. There are even those who pay significant amounts just by having a simple fortune-telling. This is very attractive for fortune tellers, because for him each client means extra income.

The emergence of some coincidental facts in the fortune-tellings already leads to the emergence of masses who are inclined to believe. These masses create new groups and communities by influencing their own environment. The curiosity about the future, which started quite innocently at the beginning, can reach dangerous dimensions in the later stages. Here we are exposed to psychological, spiritual and material exploitation.

Although the way to overcome this is shown as education and belief, a significant portion of those who make fortune-telling based on their curiosity about the future are already educated people. Since the belief part of the work is also a separate form of exploitation, this thesis suddenly refutes itself. Despite the fact that some religions, especially Islam, have forbidden and prohibited exploitation sectors such as fortune-telling and magic, this field is growing.

Today, some fortune-telling applications provide paid or free services and are not subject to any control. The fact that people's feelings are exploited, deceived and their private information is taken away are the parts where everyone closes their eyes. The amount of money that changes hands in such cases is also unknown to anyone.

Fortune telling takes an important place in the culture of my country from past to present. Regardless of education and income status, even my relatives around me are still curious about the future. They are not aware of the harm that this curiosity is causing them.

The fortune-telling process that begins after a cup of coffee with friends is the reality of every home. Coffee fortune telling is the most innocent of them all. Sometimes it is possible to come across fortune tellers even from animal bones.

I am aware that similar coincidences and different types of fortune-telling are everywhere. The situation there is not much different. Just curiosity about the future can sometimes cause us to lose our important senses. We do not see, we do not hear, we do not hear. Maybe we want it that way.

If I approach the event personally, of course, I have a curiosity for the future. But I will never look for this future curiosity in fortune telling. I will learn by living my future. If I start from the idea that everything has a time, then the future time gives me the future one by one.

For example, considering that I was wondering how much attention this article will receive; The next 1-2 days will show it to me anyway. Why would I need any extra time or money for this? Why should I wonder how many children I will have in the future? I already have the right to determine that. As long as I use the mind given by my Lord in the right places, I will not need a third for anything.

Just like cryptocurrencies. HAHAHA

Thank you for reading.

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2 years ago


I wish fortune telling was true :D

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Fortune telling has really advanced. I once met a Facebook page that charges for future telling. I got wondered. Don't know if it's fake or authentic, but their previous works in the page are so attractive. I was tempted to patronize them but...🤣🤣🤣🤣

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes, it has become an industry with serious numbers.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

There was one time I got curious of my future and I almost resort to having it told by a fortune teller. But then I realized that no one knows our future better than us. We create our own future so there's no need for a fortune teller.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It is better to learn by living our very true future than to give the opportunity to some awakened ones.

$ 0.00
2 years ago